Sunday, May 24, 2020
5 cambios de RAISE Act para sacar la green card
El à ºltimo intento para llevar a cabo una reforma migratoria en Estados Unidos es la propuesta de ley conocida como RAISE Act, presentada en el Senado por los senadores Tom Cotton de Arkansas y David Perdue de Georgia. RAISE significa Reforma de la Inmigracià ³n a Estados Unidos para el Fortalecimiento del Empleo (Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment en inglà ©s). El RAISE Act fue presentado pà ºblicamente en la Casa Blanca, demostrando asà que cuenta con el apoyo del Presidente Donald Trump. Esta propuesta, en el remoto caso de ser aprobada y convertirse en ley, cortarà a el nà ºmero de inmigrantes que se permite que ingresen a los Estados Unidos anualmente aproximadamente a la mitad. En otras palabras, se pasarà a de aproximadamente un millà ³n de migrantes legales que obtienen la tarjeta de residencia cada aà ±o fiscal a unos 500.000. Ademà ¡s, los cambios que se contemplan son numerosos, destacando los que afectan la emigracià ³n por razones familiares, de trabajo, inversià ³n, asilo y loterà a de la diversidad. Emigracin por vnculos familiares En la actualidad, 3 de cada 4 inmigrantes se convierten en residentes permanentes legales por una peticià ³n familiar. Los cambios segà ºn RAISE Act serà an los siguientes: En primer lugar, los ciudadanos americanos solo podrà an pedir a sus cà ³nyuges, hijos solteros menores de edad y padres. Respecto a estos à ºltimos, la residencia serà a temporal y los ciudadanos patrocinadores deben asegurarse de que sus patrocinados tengan seguro mà ©dico y de que nunca se conviertan en una carga pà ºblica. Con el nuevo sistema, los ciudadanos no podrà an pedir a sus hermanos, hijos casados de cualquier edad o hijos mayores de edad. En segundo lugar, los residentes permanentes legales solo podrà an pedir a sus cà ³nyuges e hijos solteros menores de edad. Es decir, con la nueva ley desaparecerà a la categorà a que permite solicitar la green card para los hijos mayores que permanecen solteros. En tercer lugar, un cambio importante afectarà a la edad de algunos migrantes, ya que con la nueva ley el tà ©rmino menor, o child en inglà ©s, aplicado a los hijos pasarà a a significar soltero que es menor de 18 aà ±os. En la legislacià ³n actual se considera menor de edad para efectos de estas peticiones a los menores de 21 aà ±os que son solteros. Por à ºltimo, se mantendrà a la posibilidad de solicitar a cà ³nyuges en el caso de parejas homosexuales. Es decir, las leyes migratorias de Estados Unidos reconocen y seguirà an reconociendo la validez de los matrimonios entre un hombre y una mujer y tambià ©n los de dos personas del mismo sexo. Emigracin por trabajo El cupo de migrantes admitidos anualmente bajo esta categorà a se mantendrà a igual: 140.000, nà ºmero que incluye tanto al trabajador patrocinado como a su familia inmediata. Sin embargo, habrà a un gran cambio en la forma de ingresar, ya que RAISE Act contempla un sistema de puntos que en la actualidad no existe, en el cual se valorarà an y puntuarà an: Tener una oferta de empleo bien pagada (13 puntos, que varà an en funcià ³n del salario)Conocimiento del idioma inglà ©s (mà ¡ximo de 12 puntos)Edad (mà ¡ximo de 10 puntos, siendo la puntuacià ³n mà ¡xima los 25 aà ±os)Estudios (mà ¡ximo 13 puntos, valorà ¡ndose mà ¡s las licenciaturas sacadas en Estados Unidos y los estudios superiores en ciencias, ingenierà a, matemà ¡ticas o tecnologà a, lo que en inglà ©s se conoce como STEM).Inversià ³n de $1.35 millones (12 puntos)Logro extraordinario, como por ejemplo Premio Nobel o atleta olà mpico (mà ¡ximo de 25 puntos)Haber tenido una peticià ³n de green card pendiente en una de las categorà as que ahora se eliminan (mà ¡ximo de 2 puntos). Cada aà ±o fiscal, los candidatos podrà an presentarse y obtendrà an la green card quienes tengan mayor puntuacià ³n segà ºn el cupo. Los rechazados podrà an presentarse en los aà ±os sucesivos. Eliminacin de categora de green card a cambio de inversin Segà ºn la legislacià ³n actual, es posible comprar la green card para inversionistas con un monto mà nimo de medio millà ³n de dà ³lares de inversià ³n. Con el RAISE Act, el mà nimo serà a de $1.35 millones y pasarà a a ser una forma mà ¡s de obtener puntos para sacar la green card dentro de la categorà a de trabajo. Emigracin por cuestiones humanitarias El RAISE Act limitarà a por ley a un mà ¡ximo de 50.000 personas por aà ±o fiscal el nà ºmero de refugiados que pueden ingresar a los Estados Unidos bajo esa categorà a, limitando asà el poder del presidente para modificar esa cifra, tal y como se hace ahora, en base a crisis humanitarias o a la polà tica exterior del paà s. Emigracin por la lotera de visas En la actualidad, cada aà ±o fiscal se sortean 50.000 tarjetas de residencia permanente bajo el programa de la loterà a de visas de la diversidad. El ganador puede emigrar legalmente a los Estados Unidos junto con su cà ³nyuge e hijos solteros menores de edad. El RAISE Act pondrà a fin a esta posibilidad gratuita en la que participan cada aà ±o unos 15 millones de personas de todos los paà ses autorizados (los ciudadanos de los paà ses con altas tasas de emigracià ³n hacia los Estados Unidos està ¡n excluidos). Por qu es importante estar informados sobre el RAISE Act? En la actualidad es muy poco probable que este proyecto se convierta en ley porque no tiene los votos necesarios para ser aprobado en el Senado primero y luego en la Cà ¡mara de Representantes. Sin embargo, es importante conocerlo porque muestra muy claramente cuà ¡les son las directrices que favorecen un buen nà ºmero de legisladores republicanos en materia migratoria. Y, por supuesto tambià ©n sus votantes y el presidente. Tambià ©n es recomendable estar informado para evitar ser và ctima de fraude migratorio. Cada vez que se habla de un posible cambio en las leyes hay personas inescrupulosas que venden lo que en realidad no existe con el à ºnico fin de ganar dinero explotando el miedo y la angustia de los migrantes. Estos son 10 telà ©fonos para obtener informacià ³n migratoria y, en caso de fraude, dà ³nde se puede denunciar. La mejor forma de estar a salvo es conocer la ley tal y como es y estar alerta. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Global Management As Defined By Learned - 978 Words
Global Management, as defined by, refers to the way an organization manages its business internationally, including its sales, marketing, hiring and finance practices†(2015, P.1). It involves company policy integration, so the organization can operate efficiently throughout the world. There are many trends that are developing in the international business market. The main trends developing in global management, as noted by The World Economic Forum, are as follows: Deepening income equality, persistent jobless growth and lack of leadership (2015). Deepening income inequality deals with the wide financial gap between the rich and the poor. â€Å"In developed and developing countries alike, the poorest half of the population often controls less than 10% of the wealth†(Mohammed, 2015, p. 3). While world economic growth is developing at a healthy pace, the growth disparity still remains, especially in underdeveloped countries and countries listed low in the Human Development Index (HDI). Persistent jobless growth â€Å"refers to the phenomenon in which economies exiting recessions demonstrate economic growth while merely maintain - or, in some cases, decreasing – their level of employment†(Summers, 2015, P. 1). It is a trend that deals with the advancements in technology where machines will eventually replace the human workforce in the future. With population growing this will be a key development in the 21st century.. The â€Å"Lack of leadership†trend deals with the lackShow MoreRelatedSocial Leadership, Global Management, And Millennial Leadership Essay1167 Words  | 5 Pagesoverview of the literature that has been included in this proposed study. The literature used in this chapter was developed and reviewed by various articles, books, magazines, website journals, and peer reviewed articles on management, mentoring, global leadership, global management, and millennial leadership. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet - 1857 Words
Based on Arthur Brooke’s Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet is perhaps Shakespeare’s most illustrious tragedy. The play centers around the love affair of Romeo, a Montague, and Juliet, a Capulet, against the backdrop of a vicious feud between their families. Set in Verona, a riparian urbs on the Adige River, the play chronicles the journey of Romeo and Juliet through their weeklong romance until their suicide. One of the hallmarks of the play is Shakespeare’s prolific focus on various drugs and poisons. These â€Å"remedies†are mainly plant-based, and besides offering evidence for Shakespeare’s detailed knowledge of botany and medieval toxicology, they â€Å"culminate [reach a climax] the plot of the play†(Tabor 81). By creating and sustaining intense tension between the structural elements that the play is built upon, these references ultimately precipitate the play’s dramatic conclusion and serve as an import ant layer that Shakespeare intentionally includes in the play to address various dichotomies in nature. These pharmaceutical references constitute the play’s central symbolic device by shifting the tone of the plot, strengthening antagonistic motifs, and emblematizing the Montague/Capulet feud. However, it is first crucial to consider how the Elizabethan era and Shakespeare’s own life contributed to his understanding of drugs. An important factor to consider is that Shakespeare was quite well-acquainted with the botanical, and thus pharmaceuticalShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1287 Words  | 6 PagesLizzy Baginski English Composition 2 Mr. Spera March 10, 2015 Romeo and Juliet Research Paper The movie Romeo and Juliet is a modern classic film that took place in 1996. Overall this is a timeless story that everyone should go and watch. This movie has an intriguing plot line that tells the story of two feuding families, The Montagues and The Capulets, and how the children of these two different families fall in love. The two children overcome various obstacles such as hiding their chemistry fromRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet 966 Words  | 4 Pages Beauty Over Gold â€Å"Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold.--William Shakespeare, 1623. In his book As You Like It, William Shakespeare pointed out the supremacy of love rather than the want of gold and wealth. Truly, beauty is more important to thieves than wealth. Many of the thieves in this world would rather have an elegant woman than to obtain precious rubies. After all, what good is a prosperous man if he doesn’t have a charming woman? Two famous men grab my attention who didn’t fear forRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet Essay1024 Words  | 5 PagesRomeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare s most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal young lovers. Romeo and Juliet belongs to a tradition of tragic romances stretching back to antiquity. The plot is based on an ItalianRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1124 Words  | 5 PagesThe play Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare s most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal young lovers. Romeo and Juliet belongs to a tradition of tragic romances stretching back to antiquity. Its plot is based onRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet861 Words  | 4 Pagesgreatly shown in the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. It was love at first sight with Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Meeting at a party and falling in love to get married without even spending quality time with each other. Romeo and Juliet couldn t tell there parents because the Capulets and Montagues are long term rivals. Both Romeo and Juliet had to find different ways and excuses to make this marriage work. A big problem was developed. Romeo kills Juliet s cousin and is banishedRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1770 Words  | 8 Pagesof Romeo and Juliet. The story of two destined lovers who were killed by their own doing. But what if they weren t two destined lovers who got unlucky, but doomed partners that were never going to have a good-life to begin with.William Sha kespeare gives us a view of early signs of gang conflict in the early age of Verona, Italy. He gives us a perspective of the norms and customs of Italy during the Setting of William Shakespeare s most famous story. Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, givesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1616 Words  | 7 Pageslove can also cause some of life s most controversial battles. These battles could stem from lack of patience, disagreement of moral values, and in some cases, an absence of attraction overall. In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, the issues that drive Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet s to each of their dreadful misfortunes are inevitable. When it comes to many of Shakespeare s plays, Aristotle s theory is used to describe them as tragedies. Romeo and Juliet is known by many as a tragedyRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1264 Words  | 6 Pagestheater-going public the most important dramatist in English literature, Shakespeare oc cupies a well-known position in the world of talented authors. His canon contains thirty-seven plays, written in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Additionally, throughout the years, they continue to sustain critical attention, with the majority of his works circling tragedies, one being Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet speaks to the timeless appeal of star-crossed lovers. Their loveRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet924 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy that follows the so-called love of two teenagers. The two fall in love at a masked ball and have a secret marriage. Throughout the play, their actions show how ridiculous love is, and how it is a danger to anyone who become twisted in its choking grasp. However, in the death of the youth and survival of the elders, an alternative explanation for the tragic events may be found. Although Shakespeare seems to be mocking love throughout the play, itRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1279 Words  | 6 Pagesour lives. The great, classic writers teach timeless, valuable life skills. Shakespeare was the greatest writer of all time. His writings mainly consisted of dramas and sonnets. Romeo and Juliet, as well as, A MIdsummer Night’s Dream were written about the same time period. He was able to inter relate everything that wrote. For example, the tale of Pyramus and Thisbe could possibly be an advertisement for Romeo and Juliet. The basic structure of the two dramas is the same; two forbidden lovers meet
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Legalization Of Organs Of The United States - 4086 Words
Executive Summary There is a well-established industry for the buying and selling of organs to those who are in dire need of a transplant, both legally and illegally, in many different countries. The legalization of the sale of organs in the United States would have serious consequences and raises many ethical dilemmas- regardless of religious beliefs. There are several ideas presented in this paper that present the issues that have hindered the progression of the legalization of organs. Currently, there is an organ waiting list of 123,897 patients on the organ recipient list ,the number of transplant that have actually occurred in January - August 2014 are 19,426 (Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network). There is no denying that there is a significant gap between the number of transplant surgeries performed and those awaiting a donor. The ever growing need for these lifesaving organs is clear, but to allow human beings to sell parts of their body is not the solution to this complex problem. I have included in the following report five research based ideas regarding the consequences that would ensue if the legalization of transplants were to occur and the human principals it will violate: 1. â€Å"Do no Harm†Hippocratic Oath taken by physicians upon the completion of the doctorate and vow to cause no unnecessary harm to an already healthy adult. 2. Regulation of cost for the donor to decide the amount of money they receive in order to make the procedure fair on theShow MoreRelatedThe National Organ Transplant Act Of 1984884 Words  | 4 Pageswaiting years on a transplant list. The National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 says that in the United States, the sale of organs is illegal. Some believe this act may be preventing thousands of people from getting the organs that will save their lives. The truth is every day someone dies and their organs could be used to help others and everyday a life of one and the livelihood of another could be saved. The reasons for allowing the sale of organs is very simple to understand. It can help othersRead MoreBlack Market Organ Of The United States1568 Words  | 7 Pageshuman organ has been a controversial subject for many years. The question arises; is it illegal to sell a human organ if it is going to save another’s life? October 2011 marks the first proven case of black market organ trafficking in the United States. Levy Izhak, a New Yorker, pled guilty in federal court for illegally expediting kidney transplants. His lawyer claimed, â€Å"the transplants were successful and the donors and recipients are now leading full and healthy lives†because of the organ donationRead MoreWhy Legalizing Organ Sales Will Help Save Lives, End Violence1094 Words  | 5 PagesAnthony Gregory writes in â€Å"Why Legalizing Organ Sales Would Help Save Lives, End Violence.†Gregory argues in the article that organ sale should be legalized in the United States. Gregory discusses the different range of arguments that people have that are opposed to the legalization of organ sale. He explains that organ sale is creating unnecessary suffering for needy patients and â€Å"violence.†The problem with Gregory’s article is that he uses direct quotations and extreme accusations that have noRead MoreOrgan Of The Organ System1009 Words  | 5 PagesOrgan transplantation has been around for about 61 years. The first successful transplantation took place on December 23, 1954 by Dr. Joseph Murray and Dr. David Hume at Brigham Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. That transplantation being successful on that day has saved many lives to this day (â€Å"Transplantation†). The only legal way to get an organ transplant is through organ donation. In the United States alone, there are about 122,690 people on the waiting list today and only 10,051 donors. EveryRead MorePros and Cons for Paying Organ Donors1534 Words  | 6 PagesOctober 25th 2013, about 100,000 people were waiting for a new kidney in the United States. (SCU) Every day, 18 people from that list die along with 10 others being added. As of October 25th, 2013, out of the 100,000 people waiting for a new kidney while only about 10,000 received one; that means 90,000 people are either rolled over to the next yea r, or die waiting. The marvelousness of kidney donations, compared to other organs donations, is that each person is born with two and can sustain a healthyRead MorePros And Cons Of Assisted Suicide1743 Words  | 7 Pageswilling to participate and authorized by the state. The physician will assist with, in administering an approved prescription drug and a lethal dosage. Assisted suicide acts upon the legal request and approval of state law and patient request for the reasons of a terminal condition in order to end unbearable suffering. Not all states in the U.S. are authorized or have approval to perform such patient request. CNN article lists the states mandated by state law as Oregon, Vermont, Washington, CaliforniaRead MoreThe Laws Of Sex Trafficking1286 Words  | 6 Pagesrates, which, result in higher acceptance rates. In 2001, when Germany legalized prostitution, illegal traffic decreased by 10%. (Reisenwitz, Cathy) Therefore, the laws of sex trafficking should be forti fied because traffickers manipulate laws and legalization of prosecution dropped illegal trafficking rates, we should focus on helping all victims rather than focusing on sex trafficking. Granted that traffickers avoid punishment, they are able to manipulate their victims. A troubled child’s parent didRead MoreSally Satels Organ for Sale.1154 Words  | 5 PagesAn Analysis of passion: Sally Satel’s â€Å"Organs for Sale†Sally Satel is an American psychiatrist based in Washington DC. She is a lecturer at the Yale University School of Medicine, the W.H. Brady Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and author. Books written by Satel include P.C. M.D.: How Political Correctness is Corrupting Medicine and Drug Treatment: The Case for Coercion Her articles have been published in The New Republic, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and in scholarlyRead MoreThe Myths Of Legalizing Marijuana1601 Words  | 7 Pagesissue of legalizing marijuana for recreational purposes. Cannabis sativa, also known as marijuana, was classified by the United States government as a class I drug in 1970, which means that it is against the law to possess and distribute this illegal substance (Source 2). However, in recent years, many states have made marijuana more accessible for medical and recreational use. States such as Colorado and Washington have not just decriminalized possession and distribution, but have enacted laws thatRead MoreAdvocation for Legalizing Recreational Marijuana1332 Words  | 5 PagesLegalizing Recreational Marijuana A controversial topic often being advocated for by sitting governors is whether the legalization of marijuana is more beneficial or harmful to the economy. Marijuana, also known as weed, is a mixture of the dried and shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of the cannabis sativa plant. It’s the most widely used illegal drug in the United States, even though studies have shown results that the benefits of using marijuana for medicinal or recreational reasons far
Saving Energy Free Essays
As globalization makes the world become smaller, it becomes increasingly easy to see how the lives of people everywhere especially on our OU’s campus synced up with one another. The truth is that every single thing we do every day has an impact on the planetâ€â€good or bad. The good news is that as an individual you have the power to control most of your choices and therefore, the impact you create: from where you live to what you buy, eat and use to light your dorm/apartment, to where and how you travel to classes. We will write a custom essay sample on Saving Energy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Today when something is broken, or worn out, it is thrown away. Recycling conserves our natural resources, saves landfills space, conserves energy and reduces water pollution, air pollution and the green house gases emissions that cause global warming. Many may not understand the real benefits of recycling, four things are most important when it comes to recycling including Saving Energy, Reducing Pollution, Saving Natural Resources, and Saving Space. On our college campus, there is almost endless variety of programs, weather academic or administrative, that require information to be collected and stored on a regular basis. These can include admission or job application request and RSVP’S for training events, among others. While all these forms are being used, do people have in mind how many trees they are using and how they can give back to the environment and to the university by daily recycling. There are many ways of recycling and going green on campus. By the end of this paper you’re going to want to live green and recycle for the cost of the earth and you’re on campus environment. Saving Energy is one of the major concerns here on Oakland University campus. After doing some intense research I came to find out that OU’s campus spends over six million dollar a year on heating, cooling, and electricity. Many times students take living on campus for granted and don’t realize how expensive things are, because they don’t have a direct electricity bill. So when you’re in your dorm and leave the television, the light, and your cell phone plugged in you wasting electricity which is causing harm to your campus. One way of saving energy is to simple cut off your laptop, and when you’re not using your phone charger, television, toaster, microwave, and so forth just unplug the appliances and keep in mind it’s for your campus, earth, and not to mention your pockets; when it comes to tuition payments. Another way of saving energy is compact fluorescent light bulbs. They use about seventy five percent less energy than standard incandescent bulbs and last up to 10 times longer. I would recommend that Oakland University adopts saving energy through lighting every dorm, apartment, bathroom, and hallway with compact fluorescent light bulbs. Reducing pollution is the second issue that needs to be addressed on OU’s campus. People go on their everyday daily routine without noticing the environment surround them. I must say Oakland University campus is very clean but there are some underground pollutants that you just don’t see walking to class. However, there are diffidently some changes that can be made by everyone to even better our OU’s community. In order for this school to reduce or eliminate the amount of pollutant and waste it generates, an attitude of â€Å"less is better†should be adopted. All students, teachers, administrative staff, and janitors must ask themselves â€Å"Is there a different way to do this that generates less waste or uses safer materials? †This is the part of recycling that is fun and for everyone to take apart in. First, dispose of all litter in trash cans so that the litter does not get washed into near-by storm sewers. Next, use recycle products on campus as much as possible, such as paper and other environment-friendly products. Water based paints, and non toxic floor and desk cleaner would be good idea to bring forward to the janitor. How to cite Saving Energy, Papers
Agenda 21 in South Africa free essay sample
The Agenda 21 areas that enjoy attention in South Africa include trade, financing, technology, industry, transport and sustainable tourism, with an additional area that focuses on changing consumption patterns. Trade The Departments of Foreign Affairs, and Trade and Industry, together with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) authorities, coordinate any Agenda 21 strategies relating to trade in South Africa. Some of the key points that either have been addressed (in the last decade), or are still being addressed, include the introduction of management practice standards (relating to pollution and waste management), the introduction of ISO 14001 and ISO 9000 series of international standards (which pertain not only to environmental management standards, but also to the monitoring and compliance thereof), and the introduction of new health and safety codes that will bring along with them a form of accountability. Apart from encouraging and promoting economic growth in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors, the impact on the environment is monitored and means to reduce these impacts are introduced where possible. The major challenges faced by this sector in implementing sound Agenda 21 strategies include labour disputes (surrounding job security, job creation and pay increases as decided by trade unions, employees and employers), the role of NGOs, particularly in rural communities, the HIV/Aids factor, global economic trends, corruption and fraud, and the relative lack of skilled labour in the country, to mention a few. Finance The South African Department of Finance is the authority in this regard, and since the national budget is controlled by this ministry, available funds for all other Agenda 21 strategies originate here. Over the last decade, under the leadership of Trevor Manuel, but more recently under the leadership of Pravin Gordhan (2009 onwards), the trend in taxation has been towards favouring the lower-wage earner and the establishment and development of social grants. Despite the apparent decrease in tax revenue, tax collection has improved year-on-year (until 2009, when the global economic downturn affected the South African economy), so more funds have been available for development projects and programmes. House building, job creation, primary health-care facilities and extended sanitation services are just some of the very important areas in which Government funds development and other project that improve the quality of life for millions of citizens. The main challenge facing this aspect of Agenda 21s principles is the current (2009) economic situation: Because the end of the crisis cannot be accurately predicted, it may take a few years before tax collection is back at its levels of 2005 and 2006. While the economy slows down, jobs are lost, development slows down and investment shrinks. Hence, the available capital in taxes is severely impacted. Technology With the focus being on the transfer of environmentally sound technology, the South African Bureau of Standards contributed to the development of the ISO 14000 series of standards. In the late 1990s, the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) was also introduced as the body responsible for the accreditation of certification entities and controlling the awarding of environmental certificates. In addition, the countrys Intellectual Property Rights legislation which complies with the World Trade Organisations Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement, was also finalised in the late 1990s. The Technology Transfer Act, together with the Department of Trade and Industrys Technology Transfer Centre both in place or operational by 2000, ensure that the best, available and affordable clean technologies are preferred and utilised in all technology transfer transactions. Initially, the implementation of clean technologies was focused on the fish-processing industry, the dairy industry, the wood, metal and furniture industries and the textile industry, but since the early 2000s, pilot projects have been rolled out in other industrial sectors, and larger focus areas have been identified. These include water and waste technology, housing technology and biotechnology. Industry Because the Department of Trade and Industry assumes authority over the trade, technology and industrial sectors, the Agenda 21 policies that were formulated for the technology sector apply equally to the industrial sector (since they are so closely related). However, a number of challenges within the industrial sector must be overcome before policy implementation can be rolled out in this sector. Firstly, pollution via point-source or diffuse sources that result in impacts on environmental and human health must be adequately addressed. Secondly, the overuse of water resources must be curbed, and thirdly, habitat destruction due to urban development must be addressed. Transport The Department of Transport (in the late 1990s) formulated an Environmental Policy for Transport that advocated the use of environmental impact management tools in this sector. Cleaner technologies, too, received much attention in the document in the form of cleaner fuels and the technologies that support them. Transportation and land-use planning were earmarked as a strategic partnership that would be beneficial to both sectors, while enjoying a symbiotic relationship. Sustainable tourism The Department of Tourism (previously known as the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism), along with the Directorate of Tourism Development Planning and Provincial Liaison, are responsible for implementing sustainable tourism strategies nationwide. Eco-tourism is, of course, one of the primary focus areas, followed by the implementation of environmental management systems in hotels and other tourism-related establishments. However, by 2004 there were no national strategies to inform the development of such projects, although white papers had outlines ideal suggestions for the technical, environmental, social and financial aspects of sustainable tourism. Changing consumption patterns A wide range of governmental departments work together to formulate strategies for future consumption pattern changes. Water, forests, agricultural resources, pollution, energy and occupational health and safety aspects are just some of the areas that enjoy attention under this banner, since consumption of resources and products affects all of these to certain degrees. However, no national strategy or policy has been formulated to guide the implementation of nationwide strategies in this sphere.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Ebay History free essay sample
Millions of buyers and sellers have made eBay Inc. the worlds largest and most popular Internet site for individuals and businesses to exchange goods. By 1999 eBay had 5. 6 million registered users and listed over 3. 1 million items for sale; by 2004 there were an estimated 65 million registered users from 150 countries, 971 million items for sale, and gross merchandise sales hit $15billion. eBay owns local sites in 19 countries, has stakes in another eight foreign nations, and provides users with its own online pay service, PayPal Inc. As eBays revenues continue to grow, the sky seems the limit despite competition from Yahoo! , Amazon. com, and an ever increasing number of imitators. Paris-born Pierre Omidyar, who immigrated with his family to the United States when he was six, graduated from Tufts University in 1988 with a degree in computer science. While at Tufts, Omidyar met his future wife, Pam, who had an unusual hobby: she collected and traded Pez candy dispensers. When Pam complained it was hard to find people with similar interests, Omidyar decided to create a small online auction service. AuctionWeb was launched Labor Day weekend in 1995. Set up as a sole proprietorship in San Jose, California, the online bazaar was considered a grand experiment by its creator. Little did he know the impact his brainchild would have on the Internet, auctions, and corporate history. At the time he launched AuctionWeb, Omidyar was working at the General Magic Corporation as a software developer. His background included cofounding Ink Development Corp. , which became eShop, a pioneer of online shopping before it was bought by Microsoft. Omidyar also developed consumer applications for Claris, a subsidiary of Apple Computer, and had even written a software program for his high school library at the age of 14. For the first five months of AuctionWebs existence, Omidyar offered the new service for free, building a base of buyers and sellers through word of mouth. In May 1996 he incorporated eBay (which stood for electronic Bay Area), becoming its chief executive and quit his day job. By the end of 1996 the company had six employees, including Jerry Skoll, eBays original president. Prior to AuctionWeb, online auctions were either business-to-business or business-to-consumer. There was nothing comparable to Omidyars concept either online or offline; flea markets and yard sales were the most similar kind of person-to-person interaction offered by the precursor of eBay. Unlike traditional auctions, there was no auctioneer. At AuctionWeb sellers posted information about their items, and buyers were able to browse the site and submit bids by electronic mail (e-mail). The actual auction for an item was held over three to four days, with bidders receiving e-mail notices when someone made a higher bid. They could then counter the bid or drop out. The winning bidder made arrangements with the seller for payment and shipping. eBay served the role of a broker; the firm did not own any of the items being sold and was not responsible for distribution. Bidding was free, but it did cost between 25 cents and $2 to list an item for sale, plus a commission of between 2. 5 and 5 percent of the sale price. The site was profitable almost from the beginning, unlike the vast majority of e-commerce sites. Much of the sites success appeared due to Omidyars sense of what people wanted: a simple, central location to buy and sell items, and the ability to talk with (and perhaps eventually meet) people with similar interests. From the beginning, eBays auction service sought to create the sense of an old-fashioned marketplace and encouraged communication between hobbyists and collectors. During 1996 the site hosted more than 250,000 auctions in some 60 categories including Beanie Babies, stamps, coins, and computers. By the end of the year it was overseeing about 15,000 simultaneous auctions daily, with 2,000 of them new each day. The site received over two million hits a week, and the amount of money exchanged for goods sold exceeded $6 million for the year. The sites popularity continued to increase and in the first quarter of 1997 AuctionWeb saw over 330,000 completed auctions, with the total transaction value of goods sold worth more than $10. 25 million. Among these items was an original 1959 Suburban Shopper Barbie doll, which sold for $7,999. In a May 1997 press release, eBay President Jerry Skoll stated that the growth clearly demonstrates the receptivity and the eagerness of the general public to participate in online commerce. Our goal is to provide a fun, efficient, and reliable forum for both buyers and sellers. Omidyar and Skoll decided the company needed venture capital and a more experienced management team. In mid-1997 Benchmark Capital, a venture capital firm in Menlo Park, California, put $5 million into the company to acquire a 22 percent stake. With their advice, the company began targeted advertising, renamed itself eBay in September, and launched a second-generation service with a redesigned site. By the end of the year the company had about 340,000 egistered users and was hosting approximately 200,000 auctions at any given time. eBay had also established a relationship with America Online Inc. (AOL), and eBay became featured in AOLs Hobby and Classifieds prompts. A year later, in 1998, eBay became the exclusive auctioneer in the Classifieds area, paying AOL a guaranteed $12 million over three years. Internet fraud soon became a growing concern, with buyers paying for goods that were never del ivered. In November 1997 the U. S. Senates Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations conducted hearings into Internet commerce. The National Consumers League found fraud reports had tripled after it created its Internet Fraud Watch project in March 1996. In addition to false promises for discounted services and charges for Internet services that were supposed to be free, people were experiencing problems at auction sites such as eBay as well. Between January and October 1997, Internet Fraud Watch received 141 complaints about auction sites. As Susan Grant of the National Consumers League told Internet World, The problem basically is that auction sites really dont take responsibility for the sales if they go bad. They merely put the buyer together with the seller. In the same article, eBay reported it had only 27 disputes from over one million transactions between May and August 1997. To keep such disputes to a minimum, eBay instituted a feedback system for buyers to post reviews of their transactions. Sellers were then given a rating based on the number of their successful auctions: positive comments received one point, neutral responses a zero, and negative comments a minus one. Potential buyers were able to read the comments as well as view the rating. A rating of minus four (-4) resulted in a seller being denied use of the service. eBay grew phenomenally, recording gross merchandise sales of $100 million and revenues of $6 million in the first quarter of 1998. The first quarter had become the companys best, as eBay promoted the auctioning off of unwanted Christmas gifts. Some competition, however, was beginning to develop. Late 1997 saw the business-to-business auction service OnSale Inc. add person-to-person auctions and the launch of Auction Universe Inc. , a web auction firm owned by Los Angeles Times parent Times Mirror Company. During 1998 Auction Universe began providing city-oriented auction sites through a group of affiliated newspapers, each offering its own local auction site (but run by Auction Universe). Such web sites, aimed primarily at the newspapers local areas, made it easier to auction large items, since it was expensive to ship a used car or a large piece of furniture across the country. It also offered newspapers a way to regain revenues lost when classified ads became too expensive for low cost items. eBay bought Jump, Inc. the developer and operator of Up4Sale, an advertising-supported trading/auction site, launched in 1997. Planning to use Up4Sale to introduce complementary future services, eBay operated the site as a separate service. In May, Meg Whitman was appointed president and CEO of eBay, with Pierre Omidyar becoming chairman. Whitman came from Hasbro Inc. s preschool division, where she had been general manager. She had previously headed FTD Inc. , where she launched its web site a nd oversaw the transition of the organization from a network of individual florists to a private company. Known for her experience in managing and marketing consumer brands, including Teletubbies and Playskool, Whitman concentrated on raising eBays profile through increased advertising aimed at hobbyists and groups of collectors. At the time Whitman came on board, eBay claimed more than 950,000 registered users, hosted more than two million auctions a month in 846 categories, and had a success rate of more than 70 percent (offered items actually being sold). Whitman and Omidyar reincorporated eBay in Delaware in September 1998 and took the company public, watching the price of their stock triple within a few days.
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