Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How Often Should You Take Complete Official ACT Practice Tests
How Often Should You Take Complete Official ACT Practice Tests SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Taking official ACT practice tests under realistic testing conditions is vital to good ACT prep, but after a certain point you can hit a wall and stop getting any benefit out of it. In this article, we’ll discuss the frequency with which you should take ACT practice tests. feature image credit: Flying/used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped and resized from original. Why Use Official Practice Tests? In order to figure out how often to take practice tests, you must first be clear on what you’re getting out of them. The top four reasons for taking official ACT practice tests are to: get accustomed to the experience of sitting down and taking the real thing (including becoming comfortable with taking the full test at 8am) build up your stamina and ability to focus for long periods of time figure out where your weaknesses are judge your progress and studying efficacy Another way of using practice tests is to break them up and only go through the particular section you need to work on at a time. For example, if you run out of time on the Reading section, you may want to take several ACT Reading sections in isolation to work on your time management. This way of using official practice tests is a good way to focus your studying and break up the monotony of doing complete practice test after complete practice test. It's also a better use of your time to do this if you’re only struggling with particular subject areas or question types. Because there are a limited number of official practice tests available to practice with (either as full tests or broken up into section-specific practice), if you think you have a decent chance of going through all of them, it’s important to plan out ahead of time when you’re going to take ACT practice tests. Set Up an Official Practice Test Schedule Now that we’ve discussed why students take official practice tests, we’ll explain how to space them out for students with varying amounts of time before the test. Note that this is only a rough guideline to get you started and that you should be flexible in your own studying to make sure you get the most out of each practice test. We’ve deliberately only included four complete practice tests in the schedules for various scenarios. For most students, practicing specific sections of practice tests is a valuable and necessary addition to taking full-length official practice tests, so you should break up and use the remaining official practice tests at your own discretion. In general, we recommend frontloading your studying with practice tests, because you’re most likely to need the most practice across different sections at the beginning of your studying. If you’re studying effectively, your problem areas should shrink as you go along, making it more advantageous to spend more time on specific sections, rather than taking full-length practice tests (or if you do take full-length practice tests, you need to be sure to review in between so you can improve). At the same time, you need to make sure that you’re taking practice tests close enough to the real ACT to not get rusty. 1-Year Practice Test Schedule If you have a full year to study before the ACT, we recommend planning out your official test taking so that you take... one practice test when you begin studying one practice test 2-3 months into your studying one practice test 6-8 months into your studying one practice test a week or so before the ACT You’ll probably want to take more than four practice tests over the course of a year of ACT prep, but they don’t all have to be official ones. Spend the time in between practice tests reviewing the questions you got wrong and drilling yourself on questions you find difficult. 6-Month Practice Test Schedule The way you space out practice ACTs over a six-month study period is similar to the yearlong study schedule, but the time between each test is a little more condensed. Plan on taking an official practice ACT... at the start of your studying 1-2 months into your studying 4-5 months into your studying a week or so before the real ACT 365-316/used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped from original. Condense the sandwich of a yearlong study plan into a panini of a six-month practice schedule. 3-Month Practice Test Schedule With just three months of studying before the test, the timing of official ACT practice tests will get even tighter. You'll want to take an official ACT practice test... at the beginning of your studying three weeks into your studying 1-2 months into your studying a week or so before the ACT If you compare this to the six-month practice test schedule, you'll see that there are a lot of similarities; the main difference is in the timing of the second practice test, which needs to happen much sooner if you're only studying for the ACT over a period of three months. 1-Month Practice Test Schedule With only one month to study, you’ll be cramming a lot of work into a short amount of time. The same basic principles of lessening practice test frequencies still hold, however. Below, we've mapped out a sample schedule for students who only have one month to study for the ACT: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Week 1 Practice Test Practice Test Week 2 Practice Test Week 3 Test Week Practice Test ACT! In the one-month study schedule, we've intentionally put the practice tests on Saturdays and Sundays so that students can take them at the same time of day as they’ll be taking the real ACT. However, if you can’t do this because of scheduling conflicts, that’s fine – just try to keep the same basic shape and spacing as the above schedule. What’s Next? More than a year out from college applications and wanting to start your test prep? Then be sure to read our article about SAT/ACT test dates and study plans for sophomores and juniors. What about if your prep time can be measured in hours, rather than months? Read our special 20-hour prep guide to using ACT practice tests for advice and tips. Ready to start taking practice tests but not sure where to find them? Check out our massive collection of free online ACT practice tests here. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes your prep program to your strengths and weaknesses. We also have expert instructors who can grade every one of your practice ACT essays, giving feedback on how to improve your score. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Saturday, November 23, 2019
A Kindergarten Lesson Plan on Addition and Subtraction
A Kindergarten Lesson Plan on Addition and Subtraction In this sample lesson plan, students represent addition and subtraction with objects and actions. The plan is designed for kindergarten students. It requires three class periods of 30 to 45 minutes each. Objective The objective of this lesson is for students to represent addition and subtraction with objects and actions to understand the concepts of adding to and taking from. The key vocabulary words in this lesson are addition, subtraction, together and apart. Common Core Standard Met This lesson plan satisfies the following Common Core standard in the Operations and Algebraic Thinking category and Understanding Addition as Putting Together and Adding To and Understand Subtraction as Taking Apart and Taking From sub-category. This lesson meets standard K.OA.1: Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions or equations. Materials PencilsPaper Sticky notesCereal in small baggies for each childOverhead projector Key Terms AdditionSubtractionTogetherApart Lesson Introduction The day before the lesson, write 1 1 and 3 - 2 on the blackboard. Give each student a sticky note, and see if they know how to solve the problems. If a large number of students successfully answer these problems, you can begin this lesson midway through the procedures described below. Instruction Write 1 1 on the blackboard. Ask students if they know what this means. Put one pencil in one hand, and one pencil in your other hand. Show students that this means one (pencil) and one (pencil) together equal two pencils. Bring your hands together to reinforce the concept.Draw two flowers on the board. Write down a plus sign followed by three more flowers. Say aloud, â€Å"Two flowers together with three flowers make what?†The students should be able to count and answer five flowers. Then, write down 2 3 5 to show how to record equations like this. Activity Give each student a bag of cereal and a piece of paper. Together, do the following problems and say them like this (adjust as you see fit, depending on other vocabulary words you use in the math classroom): Allow the students to eat some of their cereal as soon as they write down the correct equation. Continue with problems such as these until the students feel comfortable with addition.Say 4 pieces together with 1 piece is 5. Write 4 1 5 and ask the students to write it down too.Say 6 pieces together with 2 pieces is 8. Write 6 2 8 or the board and ask the students to write it down.Say 3 pieces together with 6 pieces is 9. Write 3 6 9 and ask the students to write it down.The practice with addition should make the subtraction concept a bit easier. Pull out five pieces of cereal from your bag and put them on the overhead projector. Ask students, â€Å"How many do I have?†After they answer, eat two of the pieces of cereal. Ask â€Å"Now how many do I have?†Discuss that if you start with five pieces and then take away two, you have three pieces left over. Repeat this with the students several times. Have them take out three pieces of cereal from their bags, eat one and tell you how many are left over. Tell them that there is a way to record this on paper. Together, do the following problems and say them like this (adjust as you see fit):Say 6 pieces, take away 2 pieces, is 4 left over. Write 6 - 2 4 and ask the students to write it as well.Say 8 pieces, take away 1 piece, is 7 left over. Write 8 - 1 7 and ask the students to write it.Say 3 pieces, take away 2 pieces, is 1 left over. Write 3 - 2 1 and ask the students to write it.After the students have practiced this, it’s time to have them create their own simple problems. Divide them into groups of 4 or 5 and tell them that they can make their own addition or subtraction problems for the class. They can use their fingers (5 5 10), their books, their pencils, their crayons or even each other. Demonstrate 3 1 4 by bringing up three students and then asking another to come to the front of the class. Give students a few minutes to think of a problem. Walk around the room to assist with their thinking.Ask the groups to show their problems to the class and have the seated students record the problems on a piece of paper. Differentiation In step four, separate students into tiered groups and adjust problems based on complexity and number of steps. Support struggling students by spending more time with these groups and challenge advanced students by asking them to experiment with different types of counting, such as with their fingers or even with each other. Assessment Repeat steps six through eight together as a class at the end of math class for a week or so. Then, have groups demonstrate a problem and do not discuss it as a class. Use this as an assessment for their portfolio or to discuss with parents. Lesson Extensions Ask students to go home and describe to their family what putting together and taking away means and what it looks like on paper. Have a family member sign off that this discussion took place.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Application of Psychology on Leadership and Management Essay
Application of Psychology on Leadership and Management - Essay Example In those theories, the theorists who were of diverse professional backgrounds came up with â€Å"frames within which they explained human personality, what dictated the kind of personality that one would possess and the characteristics of those various personalities†(Tjosvol and Tjosvol 7). Psychologists endeavor to explain why people with the same heredity (from the same mother and/or father) and same environment react differently. They also explain why people of different heredity and past life experiences may sometimes react in the same manner in a similar environment. There are different theories all of which endeavor to explain human personality. Tjosvol and Tjosvol widely studied the major groups of theories that study people’s personality such as trait, behavioral, psychoanalytic, humanist and social learning (9). They embrace different approaches, for example, the biological theories that suggest that the genetics of an individual are responsible for a person’s personality. This involves heritability which suggests that there is a link between a person’s traits and the genetics. Behavioral theorists, on the other hand, explain that the personality of a person is dictated by the environment in which the individual stays. Tjosvol and Tjosvol studied that behavioral theorists study the measurable and observable behaviors of individuals by explaining that personality is adopted from the friends with whom one hangs most of the time (6). It is based on the belief that behavior and by far personality is a result/product of the fu se between an individual’s genetics and the environment. Psychoanalysis is the oldest theory of personality and is based on the Sigmund Freud’s arguments and analysis of human personality. From this theory, personality is based on psychic energy (libido) and the unconscious. The man slowly develops from the id to the ego and finally to the superego which forms the basic structure of the human personality.Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Critical Essay on the Theme of Gender Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Critical on the Theme of Gender - Essay Example Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice explores the theme of gender among other themes displayed through the storyline. The book is an expose of injustices that surrounded gender and had a basis on gender-based violence and conflicts in the XIX century society. The theme of gender is mainly related to that of women and marriage that is explicit in the novel. The demeaning of the female gender is a sure way that the theme comes out in the novel. Austen depicts the gender theme in the book through appreciated criticality and keenness in bringing out the sad states in the face of gender matters in the society. Charlotte Lucas is among the female characters in the novel. Her life is a complete depiction of the grim faces and opposite directions of marriages. She is a foil of other characters as Elizabeth.Mr. Benett has little regard for women in society. She has little appreciation for the role played by her daughters and views them with little consideration. Charlotte rarely made eff orts to get a husband whom she loves and appreciates. Her main source of interest in men emanates from the need and desire to exploit her partners financially. Her relationships with men include that with characters as Mr. Collins. Elizabeth remains doubtful of the happiness of Charlotte in life. The action by Charlotte in the novel reveals the theme of gender in marriages and women. Exploitation of men by women is evident in the novel; this forms a focus point in addressing gender as a theme in the novel. This shows the extent of little regard that one side of gender has for the other and the tendency to take advantage of the counterpart gender. Jane Bennet is a victim of betrayal by friends including Caroline Bingley. The two belong to the same sex. The instance of hurt of a friend of the same sex is a veritable tribulation involving gender violence. The essay depicts the manner in which people of similar gender offer little trust among themselves, in this case women. Caroline fai ls to trust humble, selfless Bennet. The trust and protection that Bennet offers to people, even of similar sex, despite Elizabeth’s claims over their faults, receives utmost disregard. A true picture of gender conflict comes out through such experiences, outlined in history. It is satirical from this point of view and Austen employs the satire to depict the extent to which women fail to play a leading role in eliminating such gender related conflicts in the society. Exploitation of women and the girl child in the society is evident in Austen’s novel. Instance as the entailment of the estate that belonged to the Benetts from the daughters is a clear demonstration of the society’s disregard for women and the girl child. The daughters remained vulnerable with little finances to support a living. This was a terrific injustice to the daughters. The situation dictated an undesirable lifestyle for the girls. Through her unveiling of such instances, Austen takes a stan d that renders women as equal to men in the society. In this view, women are intelligent and of high capability as men in the society. The inferior status of women in the society, according to Austen, is a form of injustice and, therefore, unprincipled. Elizabeth leads a happy life of contentment throughout the novel. She is bold and intelligent, and with lucid wittiness. She can embrace high abilities of perception. She
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Discuss How Shakespeare Uses Language Essay Example for Free
Discuss How Shakespeare Uses Language Essay Discuss how Shakespeare uses language and dramatic techniques for character development in Act 2 Scene 2 of Measure for Measure. Shakespeare uses a variety of linguistic devices and dramatic techniques for character development from Act 2 Scene 2 to Scene 4. We see Angelo’s precise, business-like persona transform to temptation, and final cruelty whilst we see the true, confident side of Isabella as as she attempts to convince Angelo to reverse his judgement, but eventually loses her ignorant hope on the realisation of his true ‘purpose’. In Act 2 Scene 2 Shakespeare portrays Angelo as precise, intelligently dealing with the pleas of Isabella to save the life of her brother by reversing the death sentence that has been handed down to him. The scene begins with the Provost and Angelo discussing Claudio’s punishment. The Provost dares to ask Angelo if he really wants Claudio murdered, ‘All sects, all ages smack of this vice, and he to die for’t!’, and Angelo states that he does, ‘Did not I tell yea? Hast thou no order? Why dost thou ask again? ’. Shakespeare instantly uses dramatic technique of foreshadowing the conflict that is to follow through the sharp words exchanged between the two. Provost then asks what’s to be done with the woman he got pregnant, Juliet. Angelo still refuses to relent, and says that Juliet, who is in labour, should go to a more fitting place, away from everything that is going on ‘Dispose of her To some more fitter place’ Shakespeare’s lexical choice conveys his ruthless nature to the audience, in this context would mean ‘send her away’, but of course reading the text using more modern language; ‘dispose’ is an unpleasant word, especially when referring to a human being, where it seems incongruous, especially in reference to a pregnant woman, thus subtly foreshadowing the revealing of Angelo’s animalistic nature later in the scene. Angelo also calls Juliet a ‘fornicatress’, the harsh constanents of the name once again conjuring the theme that is constantly present through the play, that of appearance versus reality. Although Juliet appears from Angelo’s quick appraisal to be just a sinful person, her reality is far more complex; she is much better than most women of the time, she is not a prostitute or adulterer, rather her only fault was not securing a marriage contract before she slept with her fiancee. She is actually a woman of strength and principle, not the simple sinner that Angelo’s developing harsh, cruel character reduces her to. Isabella comes to see Angelo innocently, as shy as she appeared in her first scene at the nunnery, and begins to plead with him for Claudio’s life, ‘I have a brother is condemned to die. I do beseech you, let it be his fault, And not my brother’. Angelo is portrayed to be business-like and unrelenting, ‘Condemn the fault, and not the actor of it? Why, every fault’s condemned ere it be done’ but Lucio urges her to persist, encouraging her ‘Ay, touch him, there’s the vein’ acting as a kind of Greek chorus for the audience. She does, and calls upon Angelo’s pity, mercy, and moderation; she recognises that Angelo has the power to enforce the law in full, but impresses upon him that one must use power with moderation. Isabella’s strategy is a keen one, trying to persuade Angelo to have the same mercy for her brother that she has. Once again, the issue of mercy is urged upon Angelo, as is the theme of human weakness, which all, Isabella stresses, fall victim to. Her character is portrayed as increasingly canny, when she has to be; her argument is strong and persuasive, although it is not her argument that causes Angelo to relent, but his attraction to her. Isabella also touches upon the theme of use of power; ‘it is excellent to have a giant’s strength,’ she tells Angelo, ‘but it is tyrannous to use it as a giant’, making an allusion to ‘Jove’ to demonstrate her point even the gods, with tremendous power, know how best to use their awesome abilities. This is another lesson that Angelo’s character must learn; for although he can use the law to its full extent if he wishes, he has to learn how to temper his power with mercy and heed moderation. Comparing the characters of Angelo and Isabella, one could argue that Isabella is ‘the symbol of goodness and mercy set against a background of moral decay’. Alternatively, one could see her character as self-righteous and hypocritical, as we later discover when she values her chastity higher than her brother’s life. Isabella continues arguing with Angelo until he finally relents and tells her to come back the next day to hear his judgement. Everyone leaves, and Angelo speaks a rather striking soliloquy, apparently talking to himself ‘†¦what art thou Angelo? Dost thou desire her foully for those things that make her good? ’. Thus, through Shakespeare’s staging, we learn that Angelo admits to himself that he is in love with Isabella because of her virtue and purity. Often characters in Shakespeare’s plays have soliloquies but they do not often refer to themselves in third person and when they do, it is often a sign of madness. Perhaps Shakespeare is suggesting this as a sign for Angelo. What is certain is that he is struggling with an inward battle between what he knows he should do and what he desires to do, as his develops and starts questioning the morality of his own character. It is with great irony that Isabellas call to Angelo to mark the weaknesses in his own heart is answered by Angelos acknowledgement that he is tempted by Isabella. It is this temptation that brings from Angelo his first statement of mercy toward Claudio: ‘O, let her brother live! Thieves for their robbery have authority when judges steal themselves!’ Shakespeare shows how Angelo realises that with experience of ones own weakness comes mercy for others failings; however, he soon ignores this lesson, and falls into hypocrisy in Act 2 Scene 4. In this scene, Isabella comes back the next day as Angelo had asked, and he begins by saying that Claudio must die. Isabella begins to leave, but Angelo begins to tempt her to save her brother, by offering herself instead. Isabella ignorantly misunderstands Angelo’s subtle sexual offer, and he is forced to tell her plainly that if she sleeps with him he will let Claudio live. Angelo accuses her of hypocrisy, and they discuss the frailty of women. In terms of character development in this scene, Angelo begins in a state of agitation, pondering why he cannot pray and with a new awareness of how the appearance of things might not be true to reality. Where before Angelo was unified in his intentions and actions, he has now become internally divided, ‘O place, O form, How often does thou with thy case, thy habit, Wrench awe from fools, and tie the wiser souls to thy false seeming! Blood, thou art blood. ’- questioning the power of authority, position and outward appearance to convince even wise men that false men are virtuous. Shakespeare uses language of coercion, ‘wrench’ and ‘tie’, and apostrophe – ‘O place, O form’ to perhaps illustrate the sophisticated and baffling nature of false appearances. Shakespeare also shows how Angelo is beginning to seduce Isabella with subtle and ambiguous lexis, but moving more and more towards blunt, harsh and animalistic discourse as the scene progresses. ‘I have begun, and now I give my sensual race the rein’; Shakespeare shows how Angelo has almost been possessed by his animal side. This is perhaps emphasised by the use of horse imagery, ‘race the rein’, as well as the use of plosives and dentals ‘fit they consent to my sharp appetite’, drawing attention to his teeth and lips, reinforcing his sexual lust and passion for Isabella. When Isabella enters, however, she meekly accepts Angelo’s judgement, but as the scene progresses she continues to find her voice. As Angelo descends into sensuality, she seems to become more pious and religously extreme, almost swapping roles with Angelo. ‘Th’ impression of keen whips I’d wear as rubies, and strip myself to death’ – Shakespeare uses images of love, death and falgellation to express her disgust at the idea of submitting to Angelo. Though the sentiment is spiritual, the language and images are highly physical, suggesting that her character would resist the carnal sexuality by yielding herself to more gruesome lovers: torture and death. Her innocence is also shattered by Angelo’s crass offer – she seems shocked to find out that justice might not be as perfect as it appears. Her naivety is gradually stripped away as Angelo easily overcomes her threat to expose him, and she sees that virtue does not necessarily triumph over iniquity. Yet, she still has ignorant faith in the honour of her brother, Claudio, and trusts that he will defend her honour even at the cost of his life.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
football :: essays research papers
The Road Less Traveled      People often go through their life working-out and going to the gym to get â€Å"buff.†For ninety-five percent of Americans that do work out, few can say that they have pushed themselves as hard as possible, but I have the distinct, and often painful, pleasure of knowing that there is another way to work out. This option is unlike any other that I have ever personally been through; and is a way that I would not wish on any average American. 4:55 a.m. Seventeen degrees Fahrenheit, a mild breeze of ten miles per-hour-- for the fifth day in a row and second consecutive month, it is time for me to wake up, make the face-numbing, core-hardening walk through the snow to the Mildred and Louis Lasch Football Building. After the half-mile hike, a swipe of my student identification card opens the door. A quick walk to the locker room takes the prisoners of pain into line for their uniform. We pull on stale, manila shirts; manila, of course, from previous uses. Each resembles an old Mexican poncho, failing to conform to our bodies. The matching shorts follow; both shirt and shorts are embossed with one simple letter, â€Å"S.†The men, clad in uniform and barely awake, file out of the locker room, silently shuffling down the dimly lit back hallway, dreading the impending infliction of pain. Each socked foot becomes heavier, latching onto each fiber of carpet, but human will, not muscle mechanics, moves our warm, muscle bound, ligament and tendon attached, skin encased carcasses to the double doors. Thirteen feet away, the pungent smell of hot rubber, cool iron, moldy sweat and old coffee collides. Most men gag at this point, but the leader of the pack enters the room and there is but one choic e.      Thirteen thousand square feet of machines, weights, ropes, chains, and pain. The fluorescent lamps fill the room with an unnatural light. Sunlight, just like excuses, is not allowed in Satan’s lair. Each horse is paired up with his driver. A seven minute warm-up is prescribed by the trainer, and so it starts. I jump on the stationary bicycle. A light breeze against my bare legs blows gently attempting to cool me, but does little to diminish the internal burn of the quadriceps and hamstrings. Upon completion of the warm up, John Thomas, former Navy S.E.A.L., commands me to join him at the manual neck resistance station.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Analysis of “I Have a Dream” Speech
On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech that electrified a nation. In Washington D. C, King delivered his speech on the steps of the Lincoln memorial and as his powerful voice echoed out across an audience of 200,000 people, echoes of the Gettysburg address could be heard as well as the Declaration of Independence and the Bible. It has been called â€Å"masterfully delivered and improvised sermon, bursting with biblical language and imagery. †The passionate speech is filled with rhetorical devices that help ground into earth King's demands of racial equality and outcries of social injustice.The second paragraph of the speech starts with â€Å"Five score years ago†, an allusion to Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address. This is particularly poignant due to the fact that the speech was given on the steps of his memorial. A memorial to the president who passed the emancipation proclamation. Martin Luther King Jr. continues with comparing this (the emancipati on proclamation) â€Å"momentous decree†to a â€Å"great beacon light†to those who had â€Å"been seared in the flames of withering injustice†in an example of a simile and then a metaphor.The metaphor is expanded to call the proclamation â€Å"a joyous daybreak†to a â€Å"long night. †The metaphors help prove King's point through contrasting two abstract concepts through tangible things. The last sentence of the second paragraph is the first of many references to the bible. In comparing Psalms 30:5 â€Å"For his anger is but for a moment; his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning†to King's line â€Å" It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity†the parallels can be seen.The use of biblical references helps link the work of MLK to the bible and divine things. Southerners being in the â€Å"bible belt†and dominantly Christian, this reference to the bible strikes home to these slaveholders. The third paragraph contains a strong example of anaphora with the repetition of â€Å"one hundred years later†four times. This is used to thrust home the point of how long the suffrage has gone on. The duration is important but also the effect of its repetition makes the paragraph seem longer and drawn out- like the injustices that are still being suffered- one hundred years later.Also a simile is used to compare segregation to imprisonment in the the phrases â€Å"manacles of segregation†and â€Å"chains of discrimination. †The usage of these rhetorical devices relates slavery to jail and further contrast it from the biblical allusions used with equality. Paragraph four of the speech is a large metaphor for an allusion to the United States Declaration of Independence which is later cited directly. In Specific King alludes to the declaration in saying â€Å"unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. †Which within itself is a tricolon ascends.This allusion to such an important American document is used to support King's theme of equality by pointing out its resonance in the purely American document. Throughout this portion of the speech King makes a metaphor of these guaranteed rights saying they are a â€Å"promissory note†. This metaphor links these intangible unalienable rights to something tangible which falls into place with the rest of the expanded metaphor. He goes on the say that the Negro people have received â€Å"a bad check†and when they tried to cash this check is comes back marked â€Å"â€Å"insufficient funds. †These metaphors feed into the larger one of a citizens rights to a promise of a bank. Martin Luther King Jr. shows his hope the country in the continuance of the metaphor in which he refuses to believe â€Å"the bank of justice†is bankrupt and that there are insufficient funds in the â€Å"great vaults of opportunity†. Furthermore he makes a metaphor of freedom to riches and security to justice. The use of all these smaller metaphors feed into the larger one and these rhetorical devices are used to link intangible to tangible.Also this shows the realist side of the speaker, not only does he allude and reference biblical things but also he realizes the importance of equality to blacks economically. The fourth â€Å"paragraph†of the speech ends with an example of anaphora. A short hopeful phrase of â€Å"now is the time†is repeated four times back to back to back to back in the last four lines of the paragraph. These rhetorical devices have a powerful impact and add a decisive, hopeful feel. Martin Luther King Jr. in this conclusion also makes another metaphor with saying racial injustice is â€Å"quick sands†and brotherhood is a â€Å"solid rock. These metaphors also link the intangible with the tangible creating a contrast. Apples and bananas are differ ent but the difference of good and bad is harder to see. When attached to real life objects the visualization is made. The rest of the speech contains several more independent metaphors, all used to support Martin Luther King Jr. ‘s points. â€Å"The whirlwinds of revolt will shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges†; making a metaphor of revolt to a whirlwind and justice to a bright day.Yet again, metaphors are used to represent abstract ideas with concrete things to create a contrast. In another place it is seen that storm are like persecution and winds like police brutality. Tying in the earlier metaphor to imprisonment, this usage of a rhetorical device shows the vicious circle Negroes were living with. At some point it becomes repetitious all of the metaphors of justice to everything from money to the bible. But yet again injustice is metaphored to â€Å"sweltering†¦ eat†(alluding to Richard III act one, scene one, li ne one) and justice to an â€Å"oasis†yet another instance in which the metaphors are used to show contrast. Later on the entire country is metaphored to as in â€Å"jangling discords†and that with brotherhood it can be transformed into a â€Å"beautiful symphony. †This metaphor is a nice break for all of those to justice but still the same ideas ring through. This usage of a rhetorical device ties to the topic at hand to a larger more national scale. Some of the most famous parts of this speech are due to the usage of anaphora.In several instances, besides those already listed, Martin Luther King Jr. uses this rhetorical device to sink his point deep into the hearts and minds of those who have heard it. He uses the phrase â€Å"We can never be satisfied†six times in paragraph thirteen. This powerfully blunt statement repeated over and over again is riveting and unifying. Then in paragraph fourteen King uses â€Å"go back to†six times to creat e a larger size to his efforts. After building up the crowd this use of anaphora disperses hope of a better tomorrow to all. No matter where, to everyone. Then in the onsecutive paragraph comes to most famous line of a speech possibly ever: â€Å"I have a dream. †He transitions from we, as a part of the crowd, to I, separating himself as a leader; sharing his dream. While these words may be the most famous, the speech ends with another example of anaphora that are the most important words of the speech. They are â€Å"Let freedom ring. †After alluding to â€Å"My country 'tis of thee†and its chorus line â€Å"let freedom ring†he expands to say let freedom ring in Pennsylvania, Colorado, California, Georgia, Tennessee and â€Å"from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. This all encompassing freedom is Martin Luther King's dream and this beautiful anaphora heightens the grandeur of the allusion. The depth of Martin Luther King Jr. and his speech is s een in his many allusions. Thirteen ends with an allusion to Amos 5:24 with â€Å"But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream†which echoes in King's line â€Å"No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream†.Another biblical allusion is in I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together. Which echoes Isaiah 40:4-5 â€Å"Every valley shall be exalted, and very mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain: and the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. Both â€Å"And when this happens, . . . we will b e able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual†and Galatians 3:28 â€Å"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. †All of these biblical references connect the â€Å"dream' of king to the biblical writings.There are two additional non-biblical examples seen in his referencing to â€Å"My country Tis of Thee†and â€Å"Free at last†works of American music. . Martin Luther King Jr. also makes multiple allusions to the Declaration of Independence (some emitted as previously cited before). Including the direct quote of â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal. â€Å"Another very closely related allusion is seen where he says â€Å"I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream†.In both instances, King is saying that his dream is no different than that of our founding fathers. What alluding the the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution does is show the legitimacy of his dream: it is directly seen in both documents. While it may not be exact anaphora the repetition of words such as freedom (used twenty times) and justice (eight) must be seen as notable. What they do as anaphora (a rhetorical device) is support the key themes of the whole speech- freedom and justice.If there is any impression to be taken from the speech it is the ideas of equality, justice and freedom for ALL. From the allusions to the metaphors and similes, the â€Å"I Have a Dream†speech is littered with rhetorical devices but what exactly is rhetoric? Rhetoric is is the art of enchanting the soul (Plato) and the faculty of discovering in any particular case all of the available means of persuasion (Aristotle). It is th e use of rhetoric that sets this speech a part, makes it so famous and adds to its success in the spreading of one man's dream to change his world for the better.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Comparative Study Between Waiting for Mahatma and Kanthapura
TITLE :- COMPARISON BETWEEN THE IMAGES OF ‘GANDHI’ IN KANTHAPURA AND WAITING FOR THE MAHATMA Name :- Purbita Bhattacharya M. A. 1ST SEMESTER ROLL :- ME 110042 PAPER – 2 SUPERVISED BY :- PROF. CHANDRANATH ADHIKARY The novel WAITING FOR THE MAHATMA deals with the story of a young man named Sriram whose life revolves round the influence of Mahatma on him during the years of Indian Freedom Struggle. In his age of twenty he meets a girl named Bharati, an ardent Gandhi follower and was collecting money for some funds. Her life is pretty much revolving around Gandhiji and his movement.By presenting Mahatma realistically in town Narayan has portrayed a concrete image of Gandhi. The people of Malgudi can see Gandhi, can touch him and even can spend time with him by attending his lectures and the shavas. Narayan, here, through this novel has shown the down-to-earth image of Gandhi. He comes to town, moves on his own whims and fancies, does not stay at the guest house nor wi th the rich persons, and prefers to stay in the untouchable colony, gives speeches and also meets with people. Even in this novel we are shown that Bharati takes Sriram to meet Gandhiji. And Sriram is told to do what Bharati tells him.She becomes his ‘Guru’. Later, Sriram moves to cave in hills, gets deeper into the Quit India Movement, tries to force the marriage issue with Bharati but gets rejected. Then he gets involved with a terrorist called Jagadish – who is wanted by the police. He visits his grandmother in disguise who survives a death scare and is rescued off dramatically in her funeral pyre when her toes start wiggling. Then Sriram gets arrested at the burial grounds and goes to jail. His only solace is that Bharati is also in jail somewhere. In jails he meets many different types of criminals and is finally released after the British leaves India.Then he again meets Bharati who invites him to Delhi. He there proposes her again and they seek the blessin g of Mahatma who promises to perform their wedding himself on the very next morning. On the next morning they go to the prayer meeting where a person rushes up to the stage to the Mahatma and shoots him. â€Å"WAITING FOR THE MAHATMA†dwells on the freedom struggle, the Mahatma and his ways, and the kind of an impact he had on the youth in those days. By the physical presence of Gandhi, Narayan brings up many arguments through different characters, those who embrace a violent route and those who follow Gandhiji.But such was the power of his conviction that they followed him and his words to death. â€Å"Love the enemy, and then will he change†, said Gandhiji and they all tried to love their enemy. They practiced non-violence, spun the charka and made khadi, shunned all foreign things, behaved like true Satyagrahis – all at an age when they would hardly understand the true importance of what they are doing. Gandhiji’s take on untouchability is shown impact ing Sriram as he wonders how his grandmother ill treats the boy who comes to clean the road.The much sacrifices were demanded from the youth and his followers, and they did try to be the perfect examples of what Gandhiji had asked for them. The Abstractness of Gandhi’s Image in â€Å"KANTHAPURA†by Raja Rao Till now we were concentrating on the concrete image and impact of Gandhi through Narayan’s â€Å"WAITING FOR THE MAHATMA†. Now in comparison with this image I have chosen â€Å"KANTHAPURA†, by Raja Rao, which also shows the impact of Gandhi on the villagers but not by his physical presence, but by the presence of Gandhi in the villagers’ mind.They have never seen Gandhi, but they are familiar by the name of Gandhi as the image of ‘God’. â€Å"KANTHAPURA†is also a document of the National Struggle of India for Independence. The man, who is struggling and bringing out the image and influence of Gandhi to the villager s, is Moorthy. Like â€Å"WAITING FOR THE MAHATMA†, â€Å"KANTHAPURA†was also written before Independence and is dealing with the magic of Gandhianism that changes India from a somnolent to an unquestionable battle ground for British Raj. Kanthapura is a village as traditional and self sufficient as any other Indian village.But the first sign of disturbance comes from outside but is brought to them by their own beloved Moorthy – a Gandhi-man. The villagers’ love for Harikatha is gently subverted by him and made into a tool to spread the message of nationalism and Gandhi’s principle. Jayaramachar, a popular harikatha singer sings the myth of Gandhi and his divinely task of driving the ‘red man’ from our land. Slowly the entire community warms up against the British rule. With the principle of non violence sullied by the villagers Moorthy – like the Mahatma – undergoes fasting, ritualistic purification in temple.Raja Rao has presented Gandhiji as a myth to the villagers of Kanthapura. Gandhi, was like the mythological character to them. They have not seen Gandhi, but Moorthy seems to them similar to Gandhi. In him the villagers can find out their Gandhi. So that at the last phase of the novel we can see that Moorthy has been mythicised like Gandhi by his village people. The Comparative Study between the Gandhian Impact on both â€Å"WAITING FOR THE MAHATMA†and â€Å"KANTHAPURA†:- Gandhi is often being cited more as a matter of form and convenience than a deep conviction.The Gandhian impact on contemporary Indian literature has brought about results at various levels, and in various direction. As regards the writer’s choice of language, we have seen that one result of the Gandhian influence has been a general preference for the mother tongue or the regional language, and occasionally a purposeful bilingualism, the same writer handling his mastery his own mother tongue as well a s English.Besides whatever the language medium chosen, the stress has been more on simplicity and clarity and immediate effectiveness than on ornateness or profundity or laborious artistry, and this has been as marked in English writing as in writing in the regional languages. As regards the choice of themes and the portrayal of character, the Gandhian influence has been no less marked. There has been a more or less conscious shift of emphasis from the city to the village, or there is implied a contrast between the two – urban luxury and sophistication on the one hand and rural modes and manners on the other.R. K. Narayan, however makes Gandhi himself a character in â€Å"WAITING FOR THE MAHATMA†. Gandhi materially and directly affects the fortunes of Narayan’s heroine – Bharati, and her lover Sriram; and the novel ends with Gandhi’s death at the hands of an Asian on the way to prayer. Whereas Raja Rao has made Gandhi a mythical aspect in his novel â€Å"KANTHAPURA†. The villagers of Kanthapura sacrifice their all while following the Gandhian ideology. They were betrayed. Because Gandhiji, after meeting with the Viceroy, withdrawed the Boycott. But still they followed the way of Gandhianism towards Nationalism.CONCLUSION:- In both the novels by these contemporary writers we can see that Gandhiji laid stress again and again on moral and spiritual values in contrast to material achievement, although this had its place too; he knew that too much industrialization must spell disaster to the seven lacks of Indians villages; and he adopted the loin cloth and the Sevagram way of life because he felt that, for the teeming millions of Indians, no other life is possible – yet he knew that even such bare colourless life could be made reasonably full and purposive.Although for at least 60 years, at least Gandhi has been the subject of biographical and expository studies – J. J. Doke’s M. K. Gandhi : The Man Wh o Became One with the Universal Being followed 15 years after the approach of the Gandhi birth cenetary had understandably stimulated of late a greatly increased flow of Gandhian literature. Mahatma Gandhi : 100 years , edited by S.Radhakrishnan, was brought out by the Gandhi Peace Foundation in 1968, and contained numerous tributes by Gandhi’s friends and admirers, all over the world. While several contributors – Rajaji, Richard B. Gregg, Swami Ranganadhananda, B. N. Rau, G. Ramachandran – have tried to stress one or another aspect of Gandhi’s life and personality, many others have bemoaned the fact that Gandhianism is hardly a live force in India today.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Quotes About Being a Good Wife
Quotes About Being a Good Wife What qualities do men look for in a wife? Unlike what many women believe, men are not necessarily looking for a drop dead gorgeous woman as a spouse. True, men are attracted to smoking hot women who make their heart do a double flip. But when it comes to marriage, these are the questions men should ask: Do I Have a Karmic Connection With theGirl? She is immensely compatible. There is something about her that makes you miss her every moment that she is away from you. It is almost as if she can read your mind. If you hit it off with this girl you are dating instantly. You enjoy her presence and she is probably the right girl for you. Does She Know Me Inside Out? Your girl is in tune with your needs, moods, and weaknesses. She knows how to turn you on and how to reach deep into your heart. But, if you find yourself satisfying her needs while ignoring your own, back off from this relationship immediately. Does She Complete Me? Does your girl love you unconditionally? Do you trust her completely? Is she responsible, caring, and selfless? If yes, then get down on one knee now. You need a woman who will be by your side, loving you, and caring for you. What more could you want from a wife? Wife Quotes Bring out the Flavors of Marriage If you are unsure whether you want to marry at all, read these wife quotes. Please note that most of them are by men who are trying to be funny. So if you can take a sporting look at marriage, go ahead and read these. There are a couple of quotes in this list that arent meant to be funny. Can you identify them? Groucho Marx Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife. Voltaire The husband who decides to surprise his wife is often very much surprised himself. Patrick Murray Ive had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me and the second one didnt. Ambrose Bierce Beauty, n: the power by which a woman charms a lover and terrifies a husband. Jimmy Durante My wife has a slight impediment in her speech. Every now and then she stops to breathe. Henry Youngman Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take the time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays. Milton Berle A good wife always forgives her husband when shes wrong. Franklin P. Jones All women should know how to take care of children. Most of them will have a husband some day. Spike Milligan It was a perfect marriage. She didnt want to and he couldnt. Rodney Dangerfield Its tough to stay married. My wife kisses the dog on the lips, yet she wont drink from my glass. Anthony Trollope A womans life is not perfect or whole till she has added herself to a husband. Nor is a mans life perfect or whole till he has added to himself a wife. Rose Pastor Stokes Some pray to marry the man they love, my prayer will somewhat vary; I humbly pray to Heaven above that I love the man I marry. Henny Youngman My wife dresses to kill. She also cooks the same way. Prince Philip When a man opens the car door for his wife, its either a new car or a new wife. James Holt McGavran Theres a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. Its called marriage. Helen Rowland Never trust a husband too far, nor a bachelor too near. Hillary Clinton Whether a womans running for office or shes supporting her husband whos running for office and she gets criticized for wearing open-toed shoes or for the color of her coat, theres just a lot of history that you bear if you are a woman who puts herself out in the political arena. Bill Cosby Let us now set forth one of the fundamental truths about marriage: the wife is in charge. Martin Luther Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave. Michel de Montaigne The concern that some women show at the absence of their husbands, does not arise from their not seeing them and being with them, but from their apprehension that their husbands are enjoying pleasures in which they do not participate, and which, from their being at a distance, they have not the power of interrupting. Oscar Wilde The husbands of very beautiful women belong to the criminal classes. Paul-Jean Toulet A woman who loves her husband is merely paying her bills. A woman who loves her lover gives alms to the poor. Sacha Guitry When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her. Walter Winchell The reason theyre called the opposite sex is because every time you think you have your wife fooled - its just the opposite! Lee Trevino My wife tells me she doesnt care what I do when Im away, as long as Im not enjoying it. Kin Hubbard If you havent seen your wife smile at a traffic cop, you havent seen her smile her prettiest.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
10 Facts Worth Knowing About Noah Webster
10 Facts Worth Knowing About Noah Webster Born in West Hartford, Connecticut on October 16, 1758, Noah Webster is best known today for his magnum opus, An American Dictionary of the English Language (1828). But as David Micklethwait reveals in Noah Webster and the American Dictionary (McFarland, 2005), lexicography wasnt Websters only great passion, and the dictionary wasnt even his best-selling book. By way of introduction, here are 10 facts worth knowing about the great American lexicographer Noah Webster. During his first career as a schoolteacher at the time of the American Revolution, Webster was concerned that most of his students textbooks came from England. So in 1783 he published his own American text, A Grammatical Institute of the English Language. The â€Å"Blue-Backed Speller,†as it was popularly known, went on to sell nearly 100 million copies over the next century.Webster subscribed to the biblical account of the origin of language, believing that all languages derived from Chaldee, an Aramaic dialect.Though he fought for a strong federal government, Webster opposed plans to include a Bill of Rights in the Constitution. Liberty is never secured with such paper declarations, he wrote, nor lost for want of them.Even though he himself borrowed shamelessly from Thomas Dilworths New Guide to the English Tongue (1740) and Samuel Johnsons Dictionary of the English Language (1755), Webster fought vigorously to protect his own work from plagiarists. His efforts led to the c reation of the first federal copyright laws in 1790. In 1793 he founded one of New York Citys first daily newspapers, American Minerva, which he edited for four years.Websters Compendious Dictionary of the English Language (1806), a forerunner of An American Dictionary, sparked a war of the dictionaries with rival lexicographer Joseph Worcester. But Worcesters Comprehensive Pronouncing and Explanatory English Dictionary didnt stand a chance. Websters work, with 5,000 words not included in British dictionaries and with definitions based on the usage of American writers, soon became the recognized authority.In 1810, he published a booklet on global warming titled â€Å"Are Our Winters Getting Warmer?†Although Webster is credited for introducing such distinctive American spellings as color, humor, and center (for British colour, humour, and centre), many of his innovative spellings (including masheen for machine and yung for young) failed to catch on. See Noah Websters Plan to Reform English Spelling.Webster was one of the principa l founders of Amherst College in Massachusetts. In 1833 he published his own edition of the Bible, updating the vocabulary of the King James Version and cleansing it of any words that he thought might be considered offensive, especially for females. In 1966, Websters restored birthplace and childhood home in West Hartford was reopened as a museum, which you can visit online at the Noah Webster House West Hartford Historical Society. After the tour, you may feel inspired to browse through the original edition of Websters American Dictionary of the English Language.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Should marijuana be legalized or kept illegal Assignment
Should marijuana be legalized or kept illegal - Assignment Example (Mark J. Pletcher, 2012). Investigators at The Zucker Hillside Hospital in Long Island, NY compared the performance of 50 bipolar subjects with a history of cannabis use versus 150 bipolar patients with no history of use. According to clinical data published online, the bipolar patients with a history of cannabis use demonstrate superior neurocogitive performance compared to patients with no history of use. (Raphael J. Braga, 2012). Use of marijuana for medicinal purposes remains controversial, and we do not advocate its widespread use. However, that in certain circumstances, specifically when patients are using marijuana to relieve nausea, marijuana is not associated with lower rates of adherence (de Jong, 2005). Cannabis users had better cognitive functioning than patients without cannabis use in several domains including design memory, verbal fluency, object assembly, block design, picture completion, picture arrangement, and face recognition memory (John Stirling, 2004) The majority of patients with multiple sclerosis develop troublesome lower urinary tract symptoms. The conclusions after researches: there were few troublesome side effects, suggesting that cannabis-based medicinal extracts are a safe and effective treatment for urinary and other problems in patients with advanced (Ciaran M. Brady, 2004). Pain, sleep and mood were most frequently reported as improving with cannabis use, and high and dry mouth were the most commonly reported side effects. We conclude that cannabis use is prevalent among the chronic non-cancer pain population, for a wide range of symptoms, with considerable variability in the amounts used (Mark A. Ware, 2003). Marijuana significantly reduced ratings of queasiness and slightly reduced the incidence of vomiting compared to placebo. These findings support and extend previous results, indicating that smoked marijuana reduces feelings of nausea and also reduces
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