Thursday, October 31, 2019
Government Effects on Global Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Government Effects on Global Trade - Essay Example Currently the two arrangements do not exist. The STA only lasted for a period of one year which was from October 1961 to September 1962 (Kar 2015). The LTA which substituted STA managed to last for five years from October 1962 under continuous re-establishments. Its prime role was to prevent rapid penetration of textile imports into markets that were already developed (Kar 2015). That way any domestic producer would never be threatened. Despites all the efforts made by Kennedy’s government on the arrangements, the importation of textile into the US never stopped, in fact, it grew more serous (Rivoli 2015). This further led to other arrangements as the Multi-Fiber Arrangement (MFA). Since several bodies were established by different global leaders to control the global trade and yet no encouraging results were obtained, there are doubts in progress in resolving the issues. This can further be attributed to the fact that almost all of these leaders speak out different messag es to the public from the actions they take during private phone calls. This can be summarized by the free trade rhetoric expressed by Rivoli (2015). Censoring Rivoli (2015), the global leaders make promises about controlling the textile and apparel import issues then fail during their reign. Apparently this is a routine insinuating failure to handle the issue at hand. For better leadership to come from the leaders in this particular industry, the authorities must stop deceiving the public in front of cameras then acting contradictorily during their private phone calls.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Cutback Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cutback Management - Essay Example Operational costs or program may be cut to give room for other funds for piloting, preparation or other substantial reforms. It therefore becomes hard to achieve changes in an organization. With fewer resources remaining, it will be a hard task to bring organizational changes, as well as to meet innovative programs for employees. Furthermore, the organizations’ flexibility in innovation is diminished. It may become hard to reach consensus on howmuch is going to be cut from the budget by the stakeholders. Cut back management should be viewed as a trend to better opportunities that will lead to improvement as opposed to a threat. The tone used for such a task should be positive. Also, a cutback management should be planned and prepared for and articulated well. The management should be well aware that there comes a future turn to econonmise minimum resources. The organization also should evaluate human resource as a an important asset instead of pegging it as a budget makes a human resource more viable in terms of growth and productivity. In this sense, employees should be involved in the trend. They should contribute and feel that they are accountable for such a move. Communication also plays an important role. Therefore, during such a move stakeholders should be honest in every aspect to every employee that it will be done on honest grounds. Last, a variety of methods should be adopted and not merely headcount restrictions (Bryson, 2011). As seen from above, cut back management embrace a systematic strategy that an organisation adopts in order to achieve some set targets. On the other hand, ordinary change management refers to a haphazard manner undertaken in order to cut on expenses that a firm incurs. It does not affect the roductivity as the organisation still operates on maximum benefits per man hour times. Cut back management may affect on productivity (Levy, 2013). The future of management seems to be based on
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Huckleberry Finn: Themes of Religion
Huckleberry Finn: Themes of Religion Phyu Han Theme of Religion in Huckleberry Finn Relating to today’s Society In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain makes a satire of some characters’ absolute faith in religion compared to other characters’ doubt that such beliefs are for real. Miss Watson and Widow Douglas both believe that heaven â€Å"good place†exists and they explain to Huckleberry Finn that the only way to get there is to pray and go to church every Sunday. â€Å"She told me to pray every day, and whatever I asked for I would get it. But it warn’t so. I tried it.†(Twain 8) On the contrary, Huckleberry Finn presumes that religion and faith are unrealistic because people cannot see them. â€Å"I went and told the widow about it, and she said the thing a body could get by praying for it was ‘spiritual gifts’.†(Twain 8) In relation to the issues concerning faith in religion in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, there are still conflicts between faith in God, the Creator, and belief in scientific ideas in to day’s society. Currently in today’s world population, the religious â€Å"unaffiliated†category makes up the third largest group (Heneghan). This category consists of atheists, agnostics, and people with no evident religion (Heneghan). In present society, religion faces a new challenge known as scientific research. Many people still disagrees on whether the Creator has created and expanded the universe or if it was caused the initial Big Bang explosion (O’Neil). Scientists have continued to search for a definite answer. On March 17, 2014, scientists announced a Big Bang breakthrough that might suggest that the Big Bang did not occur as a simple explosion caused by hot and dense matter but was a highly ordered event (O’Neil). Scientists in South Pole working with a telescope called BICEP 2 detected gravitational waves that provides evidence for the universe’s rapid expansion known today as the Big Bang theory (O’Neil). The evidence found was that the univer se expanded faster than the speed of light when it was a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second old (O’Neil). Christian scientists claim that the evidence ensures that there was a beginning (O’Neil). In terms of cause and effect, if there was a beginning, there must have been a beginner according to the Christian scientists (O’Neil). This struggle between religion and science relates to Huck’s disbelief in religion due to him not being able to see it. Huck Finn is especially realistic as he would not believe in religion for it could only give him ‘spiritual gifts’. Presently, people continue to be unsure of how the universe began and expanded to life. As a result, 16.3% of the world’s population currently is religious unaffiliated (Heneghan). In addition to the Big Bang discovery, recent findings show proofs to the authenticity of the Bible. Advanced Physics students of Leicester University tested out if Biblical dimensions of Noah’s ark in Genesis could hold 70,000 animals (â€Å"Students Surprised to Find Noah’s Ark Feasible†). In Genesis, there would have been 35,000 animals needed to be saved by Noah times two concerning males and females of the animals (â€Å"Students Surprised to Find Noah’s Ark Feasible†). The students constructed the ark based on estimated Biblical dimensions and found that the ark could have held 70,000 animals plus food and water (â€Å"Students Surprised to Find Noah’s Ark Feasible†). The result shows some truthfulness in the Biblical stories which provides confirmation to some aspects of the Bible. Widow Douglas believed in Biblical stories such as about Moses and the Bulrushers and she found importance in teaching Huck about them â€Å"After s upper she got out her book and learned me about Moses and the Bulrushers†(Twain 2). Religious stories are a part of the religion. If the stories are real, the religion itself could potentially be real. As well as Biblical stories, there are also proofs to Biblical descriptions of Earth’s structure. According to Genesis 7:11, when the Flood began, ancient transition zone water rose up through the crust and all the fountains of the great deep were broken up (â€Å"Water Deep in Earth’s Mantle†). A new discovery reveals that mineral of earth’s mantle material can store great amounts of water (â€Å"Water Deep in Earth’s Mantle†). This means that the subterranean Flood could have originated from ancient reservoirs in the upper earth mantle (â€Å"Water Deep in Earth’s Mantle†). Moreover, Scriptures suggests that Earth was created by God with water (â€Å"Water Deep in Earth’s Mantle†). The research reveals that the mantle could hold two oceans’ volumes of water (â€Å"Water Deep in Earth’s Mantle†). The idea opposing creationism, the idea that the universe and life originates from a grand design, is evolution. Evolution disproves the belief that all living things and the universe are created by God, the Creator. Scientists sequenced the genome of the vesper bats to identify the cause of their vast diversity (Going batty for jumping DNA as a cause of species diversity.). The researchers found jumping elements in their genome called DNA transposons (Going batty for jumping DNA as a cause of species diversity.). The results prove that changes and mutations in DNA cause evolution in living organisms (Going batty for jumping DNA as a cause of species diversity.). It also proves that different species of living organisms were not created by the Creator but organisms evolved into diversified species. In support of Darwin’s evolution theory, modern researches indicates that there are 338 known species of hummingbirds and they are still evolving based on habitats (Hummingbirds 22- million-year-old history of remarkable change is far from complete.). The conflict continues as Creationists in Texas education board refuses approval of a commonly used biology textbook due to the belief that the textbook portrays evolution as a fact and not as a theory (Rich). Several reviewers for the textbook refused to accept evolution and climate change as scientific fact (Rich). In today’s society, there are still disagreements on whether schools should incorporate creationism into their teachings. In regards of the state’s creationism law called the Louisiana Science Education Act, Governor of Louisiana Bobby Jindal allows the teachings of creationism in Louisiana public schools (Kopplin). Some people believe that this is wrong and that schools should not blur the lines of science facts and religious beliefs in their education (Kopplin). â€Å"If I catch you about that school I’ll tan you good. First you know you’ll get religion, too. I never see such a son.†(Twain 15) In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, P ap sensed that Huck will learn religion as along with education because schools in those times incorporated religion with education. Throughout history, there has been continuous conflict between religion and realism. People have always searched for truth and answers to the mysteries of creation and being. In today’s society, human beings call belief in religion, faith, because it is simply trust in its existence without actually knowing its existence as a fact. There have always been believers such as Miss Watson and Widow Douglas and doubters such as Huck Finn and Pap. The real question, though, is do human beings really need to know religion as a fact when it could make people behave better? In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huckleberry Finn does not believe in the existence of religion but he was taught by religious people such as Widow Douglas that stealing is wrong. As a result, he developed a conscience and realizes he is stealing. For this reason, he calls stealing â€Å"borrowing†and only steals what he necessarily needs.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Ethnic Cleansing in Sudan Essay -- Human Rights Society Sudan Essays
Ethnic Cleansing in Sudan The government of Sudan is responsible for 'ethnic cleansing' and crimes against humanity in Darfur, which is located on Sudan's western border with Chad (. The Sudanese government, along with the Arab 'Janjaweed' militias they arm and support, have attacked the civilians of the African Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa ethnic groups. These attacks involved massacres, summary executions of civilians, burnings of towns and villages, and the forceful depopulation of Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa land. The militia, Muslim like the African groups, have destroyed many religious artifacts including the desecrated Qorans that belong to their enemies (Human Rights Watch, 2004, p. 5). The Sudanese government is breaching at least two articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR); Article 3, 'Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person', (General Assembly Resolution, 1948, Article 3) and Article 5, 'No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment'. (General Assembly Resolution, 1948, Article 5) The government has not only killed thousands of Fur, Masalit, and Zaghawa civilians - they have, with the help of their Janjaweed allies, raped women, destroyed food supplies, and forced over one million civilians into camps and settlements in Darfur where they are ?on the very edge of survival? (Human Rights Watch, 2004, p. 5) and subject to regular Janjaweed abuses. These breaches are very serious and need to be addressed appropriately. The conflicts that lead to the human rights breaches were a recent escalation of a long-standing disagreement. In February 2003, the rebel groups SLA/M (Sudan Liberation Army/Movement) and JEM (Justice and Equality Movement) demanded an end to chronic economic marginalisation and sought to share power within the Sudanese state. The government responded to this threat by targeting the civilian population from which members of these movements were drawn - the Fur, Masalit, and Zaghawa ethnic groups. To help their cause, the Sudanese government formed a military and political partnership with some Arab nomads (now known as the Janjaweed) by arming them, training them and offering impunity for all their crimes. At the present time (22.5.2004) some action has taken place to address the result of the UDHR breaches. On the 28th of April the W... .../news/story.asp?NewsID=10793&Cr=sudan&Cr1= ?     Sudan: Government commits ?ethic cleansing? in Darfur. (2004). Retrieved May 20, 2004, from Human Rights Watch Web site: ?     Sudan High-Level Humanitarian Mission Continues. (2004). Press release retrieved May 20, 2004, from ?     UN agency plans for repatriating Sudanese refugees to the south. (2004). Retrieved May 20, 2004, from UN News Center Web site: ?     Henderson, Ann. (1999). Can ethnic cleansing be stopped? Retrieved May 23, 2004, from The Star News Article Archive Web site: ? ?     UN estimates 2 million Sudanese in Darfur area now affected by conflict. (2004). Retrieved May 20, 2004, from UN News Center Web site: ?     Human Rights Watch. (2004). Darfur Destroyed: Ethnic cleansing by government and militia forces in western Sudan (Vol. 16, No. 6(A). Retrieved May 22, 2004, from Human Rights Watch Web site: Ethnic Cleansing in Sudan Essay -- Human Rights Society Sudan Essays Ethnic Cleansing in Sudan The government of Sudan is responsible for 'ethnic cleansing' and crimes against humanity in Darfur, which is located on Sudan's western border with Chad (. The Sudanese government, along with the Arab 'Janjaweed' militias they arm and support, have attacked the civilians of the African Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa ethnic groups. These attacks involved massacres, summary executions of civilians, burnings of towns and villages, and the forceful depopulation of Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa land. The militia, Muslim like the African groups, have destroyed many religious artifacts including the desecrated Qorans that belong to their enemies (Human Rights Watch, 2004, p. 5). The Sudanese government is breaching at least two articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR); Article 3, 'Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person', (General Assembly Resolution, 1948, Article 3) and Article 5, 'No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment'. (General Assembly Resolution, 1948, Article 5) The government has not only killed thousands of Fur, Masalit, and Zaghawa civilians - they have, with the help of their Janjaweed allies, raped women, destroyed food supplies, and forced over one million civilians into camps and settlements in Darfur where they are ?on the very edge of survival? (Human Rights Watch, 2004, p. 5) and subject to regular Janjaweed abuses. These breaches are very serious and need to be addressed appropriately. The conflicts that lead to the human rights breaches were a recent escalation of a long-standing disagreement. In February 2003, the rebel groups SLA/M (Sudan Liberation Army/Movement) and JEM (Justice and Equality Movement) demanded an end to chronic economic marginalisation and sought to share power within the Sudanese state. The government responded to this threat by targeting the civilian population from which members of these movements were drawn - the Fur, Masalit, and Zaghawa ethnic groups. To help their cause, the Sudanese government formed a military and political partnership with some Arab nomads (now known as the Janjaweed) by arming them, training them and offering impunity for all their crimes. At the present time (22.5.2004) some action has taken place to address the result of the UDHR breaches. On the 28th of April the W... .../news/story.asp?NewsID=10793&Cr=sudan&Cr1= ?     Sudan: Government commits ?ethic cleansing? in Darfur. (2004). Retrieved May 20, 2004, from Human Rights Watch Web site: ?     Sudan High-Level Humanitarian Mission Continues. (2004). Press release retrieved May 20, 2004, from ?     UN agency plans for repatriating Sudanese refugees to the south. (2004). Retrieved May 20, 2004, from UN News Center Web site: ?     Henderson, Ann. (1999). Can ethnic cleansing be stopped? Retrieved May 23, 2004, from The Star News Article Archive Web site: ? ?     UN estimates 2 million Sudanese in Darfur area now affected by conflict. (2004). Retrieved May 20, 2004, from UN News Center Web site: ?     Human Rights Watch. (2004). Darfur Destroyed: Ethnic cleansing by government and militia forces in western Sudan (Vol. 16, No. 6(A). Retrieved May 22, 2004, from Human Rights Watch Web site:
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Marketing Plan Laser Eye Surgery
Laser XY, Inc. Marketing Plan Week 3 Assignment 1 MKT500 July 22, 2012 Executive Summary Laser XY is preparing to open up Clinics in predominantly Afro-American areas. It will be using promotional tools directed at Afro-Americans with Glaucoma. The strategy of Laser XY is to assist the Afro-American communities due to this groups high-risk for eye diseases. Thus, the company creates communications that conveys a positive concern for the eye health of the Afro-American communities.Laser XY has completed the initial market research to evaluate the potential sales opportunity in the United States (â€Å"Glaucoma health guide,†2012). If successful, Laser XY is prepared to launch clinics in the Canadian markets as well in order to address the customer needs. As part of the preliminary research, Laser XY identified the market and target segments for its services and completed a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats analysis to evaluate business fit. In addition, Laser X Y created and effectively communicated its position statement for the clinic lunch. â€Å"Glaucoma health guide,†2012) Laser XY background Laser XY is a specialty clinic that performs Laser correction for African Americans with Glaucoma. Laser XY is an exciting, life-enriching procedure. Laser XY understands that each patient must feel fully comfortable with his or her decision to have the treatment, as well as with the vision care team who will supervise each step of the process. That's why Laser XY combines proven, state-of-the-art, FDA-approved technology with a professional team that specializes in Glaucoma correction. Strategic mission statementLaser XY â€Å"Healthy Vision for Life: Focus on African-American Eyes†is the latest aspect of its ethnical marketing platform to raise awareness of the eye health needs of at-risk group. The initiative started with the fast-growing African American market at higher risk for many eye health issues, in 2013. In addition to superior experience, Laser XY ensures the utmost success and safety during laser vision correction involves using state-of-the-art equipment and highly trained personnel. This is translated into a higher cost compared to the so-called â€Å"discount Lasik chains†. We believe that our patients understand that a compromise on quality is unacceptable when it comes to one's vision. It is our commitment to best service and technology. †Marketing plan Determine and decide upon at least one (1) foreign market for the product and service. Provide your rationale for this market. Canada is a world leader in laser eye surgery and every year almost 40-50% of the laser eye surgery-taking place in Canada is conducted by a number of companies. The cost of laser eye surgery in Canada is more reasonable and affordable.This is due to a favorable exchange rate on the Canadian dollar, the lack of laser royalty fees in Canada, and the cost-effective economies of scale that are achieved in a sub-specialized center with many patients. According to the 2006 Census by Statistic Canada, 783,795 Canadians identified themselves as black, constituting 2. 5% of the entire Canadian population * About 30% of Black Canadians have Jamaican heritage. * An additional 32% have heritage elsewhere in the Caribbean or Bermuda. * 60% of Black Canadians are under the age of 35. 60% of Black Canadians live in the province of Ontario. * 97% of Black Canadians live in urban areas. There are 32,000 more black women than black men in Canada (â€Å"Why chose Canada,†2012) Discuss the potential audiences for a marketing plan and the needs of those potential audiences. Worldwide, Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness. It is also the first leading cause of blindness among African Americans. It is not clear why people of African ancestry have higher rates of glaucoma and subsequent blindness than Caucasians.One factor may be that African-Americans are more susceptible to devel oping elevated eye pressure (IOP) earlier in life, which is thought to contribute to optic nerve damage and eventual vision loss. Another reason may be that patients of African descent are less likely than Caucasians to have early eye examinations that may detect and treat glaucoma. Glaucoma affects 1 in 200 people aged fifty and younger, and 1 in 10 over the age of eighty. If the condition is detected early enough it is possible to arrest the development or slow the progression with medical and surgical means. Glaucoma Treatment, 2012) Marketing Strategy: ? Target Market: Low to Middle Income consumer’s ? between the age of 18-up 1) Positioning: To create and increase buyer awareness of the Laser XY services and brand. To attract new customers, resulting in increase in sales and market share for Laser XY insurance in the private health insurance industry along with encouraging long-term relationships with the existing and new customer through advertisement and media. It is e ssential that this target segment use all the marketing variables.In particular a judicious use of pricing policy can lead to excellent growth in sales revenues. 2) Product Line: Laser XY provides members with clear vision and freedom at a lower expense. Augmented services include care booth before and after the Lasik laser eye surgery, with four years free of charge guarantee, and customer support. 3) Price: Below competitors. Interest Free special for 12 or 24 months! Spread the cost of laser eye surgery over 12 or 24 months and pay no interest if you repay the total cost within the agreed timeframe. No deposit required. 2, 36, or 24 convenient monthly payments No early settlement fees or penalties. Laser Cost for One Eye – $1500, Laser Surgery Cost for Two Eyes – $3000. 4) Promotion: Laser XY will establish outlets and free vision screening booths in localities that have a high Afro-American population. Special outlets to be organized and price-offs to be offered fo r limited time period. This will allow the members to expand benefits with a lesser payment. Major newspapers, trade magazines and other health periodicals will be used to promote the service.Along with brochures describing the benefits of Laser XY surgery insurance will be made available in all services outlets. In addition, Laser XY, Inc. will promote the service via the Internet, providing a large amount of information, using banner exchange, and contacting particular user groups. (Glaucoma Treatment, 2012) Discuss the target market and provide a rationale for this target market. Consider the strategy of Laser XY. It declares the Afro-American communities as a high-risk group for eye diseases and creates communications that conveys a positive concern for the eye health of the Afro-American ommunities. For instance, Laser XY will open booths for checking eyes. This is a strong marketing strategy. When the potential customer presents herself for a check-up a need for service is rev ealed and the customer is directed to Laser XY. ? Laser XY sends communications targeted at the Afro-American community. It shows concern for the members of the communities, communicates that the Afro-American communities are at a far greater risk with a detection of Glaucoma, and so they need Laser XY services.The valuable education that they give is a disguised marketing communication targeted at this potentially lucrative segment. From the perspective of Laser XY, the Afro-American communities are a potentially attractive and lucrative segment. Perform a SWOT analysis (strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats) for the company. The use of SWOT analysis is important to identify ways to minimize the effect of Laser XY Inc. weaknesses while trying to maximize its strengths and at the same time recognize ways to exploit its opportunities and respond to its threats.Strengths: * Afro-American communities as a high risk group for eye Glaucoma causes this a potentially attractive a nd lucrative segment * Unique offering with little or no competition in the market. ? * Locating Laser XY Inc. stores in Afro-American predominant areas and using promotional tools directed at Afro-Americans will go a long way in increasing the market share of Laser XY, Inc. Weaknesses: * Lack of brand name and reputation in the marketplace as compared to existing clinics. ? * Laser treatment does not give a surety of a 20/20 eye vision.However, it allows the patient to have a proper vision in absence of any glasses or corrective lenses. Such improvement encourages the patient to take a chance with the complication associated to laser eye surgery. Being a startup company, there is lack of strong financial base for spending on advertising or promotions compared to established clinics. Opportunities: ? * Strong growth opportunities in emerging markets in US, as well as strong potential in developed markets in Canada * The development of this service especially for Afro-American commun ities opens up new opportunities or Laser XY Inc. to maximize its revenues from the Afro-American segment. * Laser XY Inc. will show concern for the members of the communities, communicates that the Afro-American communities are at a far greater risk of Glaucoma, and so they need Laser XY, Inc. Threat * Threat of competition from established clinics as well as new potential entrants in the market due to low barriers of entry. ? * Major threats are potential imitation from other competitors and need to offer new products regularly in order to maintain competitiveness. Clients choosing more economical vision correction choices, such as prescribe eye drops, eyeglasses, and contact lenses. * Cost of LASIK eye surgery cost differs widely from one provider to another and depends on many factors. African American is a high risk of vision loss from this disease. With the commitment of our professional management team and enthusiastic staff, the culture of the organization driven by Laser XY , Inc. has been created to make a difference to this targeted group.Our marketing segment is to exploit our services for both men and women from low to middle segments of the society that are willing to use our services. Our target customers will not only have optional payment plans, it will also encounter superior experience, safety laser vision correction. This involves using state-of-the-art equipment and highly trained personnel. Furthermore, locating Laser XY, Inc. stores in Afro-American predominant areas and using promotional tools directed at Afro-Americans will go a long way in increasing the market share of Laser XY, Inc.References Glaucoma /treatment. (2012, June). Retrieved from http://www. glaucoma. org/treatment/laser-surgery. php http://adam. about. net/reports/000025_8. htm African-Americans' glaucoma risk http://outlook. wustl. edu/2011/dec/glaucoma-risk Glaucoma health guide. (2012, July). Retrieved from Glaucoma http://health. nytimes. com/health/guides/disease/gl aucoma/risk-factors. html Why chose canada. (2012, July). Retrieved from Why choose Canada–http://www. lasikmd. com/north-york/corporate-information/why-choose-canada
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Analysis of Characters in Flannery O’Connor’s “the Life You Save May Be Your Ownâ€Â
Laura Furdge Dr. McDaniels ENG 495 February 5, 2013 Analysis of Characters in Flannery O'Connor's â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own†â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own†is a short story written by the American author Flannery O'Connor. It is one of ten stories in her short story collection called A Good Man Is Hard to Find. In this Southern Gothic tale, we are introduced to a mother and her daughter as they sit on a porch in an impoverished country town. A man, Mr. Shiftlet, crosses their path and after a bit of conversation is offered a place to sleep and food to eat in exchange for fixing things around the house. He eventually is offered the daughter's hand in marriage, and accepts with the reward of getting a car. The two marry and the mother provides money for them to go on a weekend honeymoon. But, in an unexpected turn of events, at least 100 miles away from her home, Mr. Shiftlet leaves the girl sleeping and stranded at the counter of a breakfast restaurant. Feeling very guilty, he searches for a hitchhiker to pick up in an effort to right his wrong and finds a little boy that had just run away from home. Mr Shiftlet convinces the child to go back home to his mother and the story ends with him driving to Mobile. Flannery O'Connor does more than tell a humorous Gothic story with this piece of work; she uses the lives of Lucynell, Lucynell Jr, and Mr Shiftlet to illustrate the human condition and how we often put our morals to the side for our own selfish gain. Lucynell Crater is the retarded daughter of Mrs. Crater. She has a childlike mind and is unable to speak. She is a simple spirit and lacks comprehension of her surroundings. She ha[s] long pink-gold hair and eyes as blue as a peacock's neck†(O'Connor). She was almost thirty but could pass for 15 or 16 because of her innocence. She is almost entirely silent the whole story, yet she plays a major role in the events that take place throughout the story. Lucynell was a key player in this story because she was Mrs. Crater's only opportunity to get a son-in-law, and Mr. Shiftlets best opportunity to get a car. The story revolves around Mrs. Crater's attempts to get Mr. Shiftlet to want to marry Lucynell. She lies about Lucynell's age, brags on how she is able to do housework, and even makes sure that he knows she is innocent. All the while, Lucynell is totally oblivious to the things that are taking place around her. Lucynell is used as a symbol in this story; she is a representation of the rejected salvation for Mr. Shiftlet. Mr. Shiftlet (Shiftlet suggesting that he is a sketchy character or that he will eventually change) is immediately recognized as a â€Å"tramp†by Mrs. Crater as he walks up the road. His conversation leads the reader to believe that he is nothing but a con-man. O'Connor makes it apparent in Mr. Shiftlets speech that he knows exactly what to say in order to get what he wants. From the time he approached their porch, he was eying their car. He spoke as if he wanted to hang around because he wanted to be able to share their view of the sunset every morning, but it is apparent that he wants the car for himself in order to be free. Tom Shiftlet's inability to be truthful and honest about his intent creates a situation for him that could have been avoided. He hangs around the house, fixing things and even teaching Lucynell to speak. Because he is â€Å"a poor disabled friendless drifting man†(O'Connor) according to Mrs. Crater, and therefore there is no place in the world for such a man as he, it was assumed that he would marry her daughter, fulfilling her desperation for a son-in-law, and live out the rest of his life with the Craters. Because he went along with the assumption, he is in essence, forced to marry Lucynell and this leads to him abandoning her at the diner because he really did not want what he agreed to. Mrs. Lucynell Crater (the name Crater suggesting an empty space or hole, indicating that she is in want/need of something) is a toothless old widow. Her husband died 15 years ago, leaving her to take care of Lucynell and the farm by herself for the rest of her life. It makes sense that she would be so welcoming and trusting of a complete stranger. â€Å"O'Connor connects the Craters' lack of a man in the household to immobility and deterioration and Shiftlet presents a solution to both problems†(Arant). Though handicapped by the lack of one arm, Mrs. Crater believes Mr Shiftlet will be a great help around the house and decides to provide food and a place to sleep for him in exchange for his services. As the story progresses, Mrs. Crater's desperation for a son-in-law begins to show more clearly in her conversations with Mr. Shiftlet. She begins to use Lucynell as a bargaining tool as she offers him the car in exchange for marrying her daughter. She loses sight of the fact that Lucynell is not competent enough to enter into a marriage because her focus is gaining a son-in-law that could take care of the farm. This is a very immoral decision because her duty as a mother is first and most importantly to take care of and protect her child. Her decision to marry Lucynell off also speaks to the fact that she either does not understand the sacred nature of marriage or does not care at all about it. As stated earlier, Mrs. Crater is well aware of Mr. Shiftlets desire to obtain the vehicle that had been sitting up for years so she uses it to negotiate a marriage between him and Lucynell. Mr. Shiftlet and Mrs Crater agree that he would marry her and take her out on a weekend honeymoon. O'Connor makes it apparent that innocent Lucynell does not know what has taken place because she falls asleep on what ought to be the happiest day of her life. Lucynell was the saving grace for both Mr. Shiftlet and Mrs. Crater, but instead, just as the world rejects Christ's salvation, she was rejected and these two characters are damned to a life of loneliness and guilt. Lucynell was Mrs. Craters life before Mr. Shiftlet came along, and the fact that she was crying at the thought of Lucynell being gone for only two days proves that she is definitely going to suffer more if she never returns. As far as Mr. Shiftlet is concerned, Mrs. Crater trusted him with Lucynell, telling him â€Å"I wouldn't let no man have her but you because I seen you would do right. †(O'Connor) and he betrayed her trust. He abandoned his salvation, â€Å"he is on the run from grace; he longed for a car so that he could run faster and farther†(Rogers). He realizes that his actions were terrible and even after trying to redeem himself by picking up a hitchhiker he cries out to the Lord, â€Å"Break forth and wash the slime from this earth! †and the story ends with him attempting to outrun the approaching storm. A closer look at the characters in this story gives an accurate example of the human condition. The characters in most Southern Gothic stories are often decrepit, unsavory, poor and/or mentally ill. The authors use the extremities of the people in their stories to expose our internal mental condition as human beings. The purpose in doing so is to cause the reader to take a moment and examine their own lives. It makes one stop and think about how they may have acted in the situations presented in the stories and it gives them insight as to what could result from it. On the surface, the automobile and wedding in â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own†seem to hold little to no importance. But from the beginning, it is clear that Mrs. Crater only wanted to keep Mr. Shiftlet around for the potential services that he could provide. He could have been her live-in carpenter as well as a husband for her daughter. At this point her daughter becomes an object instead of a human being. Even though Mr. Shiftlet pretends to be unconcerned with the money, he winds up asking about the car and even wants money for the wedding. Eventually, just like Mrs. Crater, he abandons Lucynell for the belief that a car would fulfill his needs. Through the approach of Mr. Shiftlet and Mrs. Crater in relation to their desire to gain the things they thought they needed in order to be happy, Flannery O'Connor reveals a world in which money or material things have become more important than people or even spiritual peace. Works CitedArant, Alison. â€Å"A Moral Intelligence†: Mental Disability and Eugenic Resistance in Welty's â€Å"Lily Daw and the Three Ladies†and O'Connor's â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own. Southern Literary Journal 44. 2 (2012): 69-87. Academic Search Premier. Web 5 Feb 2013 Baym, Nina, Mary Loffelholz.â€Å"Flannery O'Connor's ‘The Life You Save May Be Your Own. †The Norton Anthology of American Literature. 7th ed. Vol. D. New York W. W. Norton ; Co. 2007. 2522-2529. Print.Rogers, Jonathan. â€Å"Flannery O'Connor Summer Reading Club, Week 2: ‘The Life You Save May Be Your Own'†. Jonathan-Rogers. com. 11 June 2012. WordPress. Web. 4 Feb 2013. .
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